Alex Watson is a researcher and genealogist, based in Glasgow, Scotland, I hope that you find this website informative, it is an ongoing project, based on the research that I started, in 2004, on behalf of my friend Patrick Joynson-Wreford, it will continue to be updated as more information becomes available.

Please get in touch if you want to ask questions or need some help, also if you have any information, stories, photographs, etc, that you want to share.

Seskinore House c.1880

'The old and picturesque McClintock mansion of Seskinore lies in the Parish of Clogherny (Cloichearnach, an offshoot of Clocher, Cloharach, or Cloithreach, meaning a stony place, and anglicised (Clogherny), near the village of Seskinore (called in a Map of the Plantation, Shaskanoure, 'pointing clearly,' says Joyce, 'Sescennodhar—ie, Grey Marsh,' about six miles south-east of Omagh, in the historic barony of that name.'


'Plantation Commissioners Divide Omagh Barony


When the Plantation Commissioners reached Tyrone they found that all the lands in the area belonged to the Crown except the Church lands and about 5,000 acres which had been granted by Queen Elizabeth to Sir Henry Oge O'Neill. These lands comprised the ancient Irish territory known as Mointerburn, and were the inheritance of Sir Phelim Roe O'Neill of Kinnaird, on the Blackwater.

Of the Undertakers among whom the precincts of Omagh was divided the principal recipient was George Tucket, Lord Audley, who was granted an estate of 3,000 acres; but this favourite of James I., having neglected to erect castles and settle British subjects on the lands, according to the articles of plantation. The grant ultimately reverted to the Crown.

'The Lord Audley,' reports Sir George Carew, twelve months after the division of the lands of the Omagh lands, “has not appeared, l nor any for him; nothing done.” His Lordship had come from Audley, in Staffordshire, and was the eighteenth Baron Tucket. His 3,000 acres in Omagh included 2,000 for himself and 1,000 for his wife, Elizabeth who was the daughter of Sir James Mervyn, of Fonthill, Gifford, Wiltshire.

He was created Earl Castlehaven in 1616 but only lived a few months afterwards.

When this property was sold after his death it was found that, besides the original 3,000 acres of meadow, 3,000 acres of pasture land, 2,000 acres of wood, 2,000 acres covered the bramble and furze, and 200 acres of bog, all of which had been thrown in gratuitously to his proportion as waste and unprofitable lands.

A considerable proportion of the lands so granted to Lord Castlehaven and sold after his death, fell to the possession of Sir Audley Mervyn, brother-in-law of Colonel Rory Maguire who married Deborah, daughter of Colonel Audley Mervyn, and relict of Sir Leonard Blennerhassett.'

The Weekly Irish Times, Saturday, January 20, 1940

17th Century Barony Maps c.1609 - The Baronie of the Omey. 

(From collection of maps of escheated counties of Ireland)

PRONI Ref: T1652/17

The Perrys are said to be of Welsh descent, the first of the name associated with the area is Thomas (d.c.1662), he was the father of James Perry Esq., of Ranelly who purchased the following:-

  • On the 20th June 1662, Sir William Usher conveyed the lands of Ranelly to James Perry. 

    Memorandum of delivery of seizin of said lands:

    On 4th July 1662 to said James Perry and on 25th January 1663 in consideration of £15 by said James Perry to his son George Perry And of Agreement dated 24th June 1662 that said Sir William Usher should not be bound to warrant the premises against any person to whom said Sir William Usher and others by deed dated 24th July 1634 had conveyed said premises to John Perry brother to said James Perry.

  • On the 26th June 1662, Sir Audley Mervyn granted a fee farm of the lands of Moyloughmore, Mullorkmore or Mullaghmore to the same said 'James Perry, son of deceased Thomas Perry'. 


James Perry, of Ranelly, b.c. 1650, built his seat at Moyloughmore, he named it Perrymount, it was also known as Mullaghmore House (now in ruins).  Little is known about James, not even his wife's name is known, but the following sons are recorded:

  1. Francis, of Tityreagh, near Omagh; m Elizabeth, 5th daughter of John Lowry, of Ahenis (or Pomeroy) and Mary Buchanan, Co Tyrone, and dsp
  2. Samuel; m 1st, Catherine, eldest daughter of John Lowry, of Ahenis (or Pomeroy) and Mary Buchanan, above mentioned, and by her had issue. He m 2nd, Isobel, only daughter of Hector Graham, of Lee Castle, Queen's Company and Coolmaine House, Co Monaghan and by her had a son and a daughter - viz., Edward, Captain in the Army, and Catherine.
  3. GEORGE, of whom presently.

Remains of Perrymount (2009).

The 3rd son,

GEORGE PERRY, of Moyloughmore,  b.c. 1700 - d.c. 1774; m Angel, daughter of Rev James Sinclair, of Holyhill, near Strabane and had issue,

  1. SAMUEL, of whom presently.
  2. George; m the daughter of Crawford, of Cooley, Co Tyrone, and had issue, two sons and one daughter
  3. Margaret; m her first cousin, Capt Edward Perry, son of Samuel Perry (as above) and had issue two daughters.
  4. Letitia; m–Johnston.
  5. Adam; m–Dick.

The eldest son,

SAMUEL PERRY, of Perrymount and Mullaghmore, b.c.1730; m the daughter of Olphert, of Ballyconnell House, Co Donegal, and had issue, 

  1. GEORGE, of whom presently.
  2. Mary; m Dec 1781, Alexander McClintock, of Newtown, Co Louth, who was b 30 March, 1746, nephew of Alexander McClintock of Drumcar (1692-1775), and by him had issue with three daughters., two sons, 

    1b John McClintock, of Newtown, Co Louth; d. unm 1845.

    2b SAMUEL McCLINTOCK, heir to his uncle.

'To be sold by public cant at Mullaghmore in the County of Tyrone on Monday the fourteenth day of March inst.

All the household furniture which belonged to Samuel Perry, Esq., deceased, a considerable part of which has been but a short time in use; as also the farming utensils and stock of cattle belonging to the demesne of Mullaghmore, the stock consisting of several saddle and 'draft' horses, some extraordinary good milch cows, and other cattle. Six months credit will be given upon approved of security for every article above 20s. To be set also during the minority of the heir who is now about ten years of age, together or in parcels, and to be entered on immediately, the house offices and demesne of Mullaghmore; the house is large and in good order with stables coach-house and other offices, fit for the accommodation of a gentleman or farmer. The demesne consists of about eight plantation acres of arable and meadow ground, well enclosed into parks with quickest hedges in the high condition and well circumstanced as to firing, there being some hundred acres of turf bog in the farm; several acres are 'plowed' this season and any tenant that would take immediately may be accommodated at a reasonable value with turf hay and oats. It is situated about five miles from Omagh seven from Augher and three of Fintenagh good market towns to which the roads are very good. Proposals be received by Mr Samuel Galbraith of Greenmount near Omagh; a servant on the land will show the premises to any person inclined to take them.

All person to whom the said Samuel Perry was indebted are desired to furnish their accounts and the nature of their demands to the said Samuel Galbraith one of the executors, that they may be discharged and to enable the executors to do which, all persons who were indebted to the said Samuel Perry are desired immediately to pay such debts to the said Samuel Galbraith, Wybrants Olpherts or James Hamilton, Attorney, the executors or either of them.'


Extracts from the Londonderry Journal
4th March, 1774

The only son,

GEORGE PERRY of Perrymount and Moyloughmore, Cornet of Horse; b 1762 d.1824; mMary, daughter of John Burgess, and dsp, his will, dated 15th May 1823, devised his estate to his wife Mary for her life and after her death to the use of his nephew Samuel McClintock for his life 'with remainder to the first and other sons of said Samuel McClintock in tail male with divers remainders over.'



Seskinore Lodge, the seat of Mrs. Perry, (relict of the late George Perry, Esq.) is part and parcel of the Seskinore estate, and comprehends a neat and fashionable lodge, a tastefully planted lawn, and about sixty Irish acres of a farm, well adapted to the growth of flax and corn crops, and to that of garden vegetables and ornamental trees. The demesne however lies low, and the prospect from the lodge is exclusively confined to the little beauties of the home view; in which the rose, the sweet William, and the sweet brier, seem to vie, which shall diffuse the larger proportion of its fragrance through the surrounding scene.

The ancient residence of this family, was at a place called Mullaghmore, (most likely the Irish name of the townland on which the old family house is situated) but denominated Perrymount, during their occupation of the place; and this with the beautiful village of Seskinore, erected by the Perry family, in the immediate neighbourhood of the lodge, are parts and parcels of the same property; but of the extent of this property, its natural history, or the names of the townlands composing it, beyond what has been just mentioned, we know nothing. Some who profess (what we do not) to have a deep and extensive acquaintance with the Irish language, maintain that Seskinore, or more properly Sheskinore, is a combination of two Irish words which (by a free translation) may be made to signify 'the rich or golden soil of thistles,' the thistle weed, when shooting up in large quantities being the sure indication of a rich and marrowy soil. Whether this be admissible as a free translation, or whether it diverges too far from the literal meaning of the parent root to come within the limits of a just literary licence, we presume not to say; but as the best that we could make out we give it, and let the reader who finds fault with our translation provide us with a better.

These various respectable features of the Perry property, stand within a short walk (perhaps an English mile or more) of the great coach road between Dublin and Derry, by Omagh, which is the post town to them, and from which they are about five Irish miles distant.

N.B. A school for the education of the Protestant children of the neighbourhood, has been established in or near the village of Seskinore, by Mrs. Perry, and when we passed through that country in 1830, it was well attended, and very satisfactorily conducted by Mr. Halcoo, a young man educated for this office by the Education Society, in Kildare- street, Dublin.


'Ireland in the Nineteenth Century, and Seventh of England's Dominion: Enriched with Copious Descriptions of the Resources of the Soil, and Seats and Scenery of the North West District'

By A. Atkinson. Esq.

Lease of 24 acre I.P.M. for one life or 31 years from 1 Nov., 1784. Rent: £21. 13s. 6d. p.a. George Perry, Perrymount, Co. Tyrone to Alexr. Moore, Seskinore, Co. Tyrone for Seskinore, Co. Tyrone

Seskinore, Drumconnolly and Tullyrush

  • On 3rd July 1724 Henry Mervyn granted unto said Alexander McClintock said lands of Drumconnolly and Tullyrush with others therein described as. All that and those the towns and lands of Seskinore Drumconnolly and Tullyrush.


It has been suggested that Alexander McClintock of Drumcar, bequeathed his Seskinore lands to his nephew, however it seems that he disposed of the lands in Co. Tyrone before his death in 1775, or his executors sold them:-

  • '1st July, 1783 To be sold by private contract the lands of Drumconnolly and Tulyrush containing 490 acres, a lease of lives renewal for ever, lying within three miles of Omagh and Fintona, both good market towns and on the Great Road from Dublin to Londonderry. The above lands are everywhere well accommodated with turf bog. Any gentleman purchaser who might be disposed to make it his residence and build a mansion house can have a bold and agreeable situation and a demesne of 100 acres now out of lease. For further particulars enquire of Mr Francis McFarland on the purchase. 5th July, 1783.'

(PRONI Reference : MIC60/4, Issues of the Londonderry Journal)


  • 30th November 1785, a lease for part of Seskinore is recorded;                                  Lease of 24 acre I.P.M. for one life or 31 years from 1 Nov., 1784. Rent: £21. 13s. 6d.        p.a. George Perry, Perrymount, Co. Tyrone to Alexr. Moore, Seskinore, Co. Tyrone for    Seskinore, Co. Tyrone
  • 29th June 1791, a lease for part of Tullyrush is recorded; 

    Lease of 8 acre 3rd. I.P.M. for three lives or 31 years from 29 Sep., 1790. Rent: £18. 15s. p.a. George Perry, Perrymount, Co. Tyrone to Edward Delany, Tullyrush, Co. Tyrone for Tullyrush, Co. Tyrone. 

    (PRONI, D526/1/123, D526/1/119 etc).

Tullyheron Tullytemple and Rarone


18th November 1802 By Indenture made between Samuel Allen Hugh Hamilton therein described as trustees appointed by Will of James Hamilton deceased of the first part Jane Hamilton therein described as Widow of said James Hamilton of the second part James Hamilton therein described as Nephew and heir at law of said James Hamilton deceased of the third part and George Perry of the fourth part.

Reciting that said James Hamilton deceased being at time of his death seized in fee simple of the lands of Tullyheron Tullytemple and Rarone in the Barony of Omagh and County of Tyrone which lands of Tullytemple are a subdivision of said lands of Tullyheron did by his will devise said lands by the name of Tullyheron and Rarone to said Samuel Allen and Hugh Hamilton in trust to sell as therein And further reciting as therein. 

It is Witnessed that in consideration of £3600 paid to said Samuel Allen and Hugh Hamilton and of 10/- a piece paid to Jane and James Hamilton said Samuel Allen Hugh Hamilton and James Hamilton according to their respective rights granted unto said George Perry the lands [including said lands fourthly mentioned at heading hereof] 


1805 - Nov, 1811

Leases deposited at PRONI, for the Perry lands at Seskanore between 1805 - Nov 1811 record that George Perry is residing at Armagh, there are 2 leases at PRONI, that confirm that in 1791, he leased land a house from his brother-in-law, John Henry Burgess. Esq., of Parkanaur, Co. Tyrone.

  • 1791 Lease of a house in Armagh, J. H. Burges to George Perry. PRONI, D1594/75
  • 1791 Lease of land near Armagh, J. H. Burges to George Perry. PRONI, D1594/75

There are also several lease documents at PRONI in 1805 for various parcels of bog land, part of the estate of the Rev. John Lowry, they record him as the Rev. John Lowry, Perrymount, Co. Tyrone (PRONI, D474/36-48), which indicates that he may have been residing at Perrymount for at least some of the period that George Perry was residing in Armagh. 


April 1812 lease documents record; George Perry of Seskanore, this would place the building of Seskanore Lodge at around this time. 

The arrival of Samuel McClintock is reported in the Tyrone Constitution in 1845, which states that the Seskinore property has come from his Uncle George Perry, again there is no mention of Alexander McClintock of Drumcar.

Omagh 60 Years ago.


[Extracts from files of “Tyrone Constitution”]





This estimable gentleman, to whom the Seskinore property (left him by his uncle, the late

George Perry. Esq.), has devolved on the death

of Mrs. Perry, visited Seskinore on Thursday

week: he was met a considerable way out of the

town by a joyous and delighted tenantry, who

took the horses from the carriage, and drew it to

the lodge amidst the most enthusiastic cheers.

Mr. M’Clintock spent some time at the house

of his relative, Mr. Sinclair Perry, Esq., and returned

by Balligawley same evening, but not before ordering abundance of refreshments for the congregated thousands. After night tar barrels blazed

in all directions, and an amateur band delighted

The people by the performance of several appropriate tunes. Mr M’Clintock was accompanied by his brother-in-law, Captain. Blake Knox,

and Counsellor Rutledge. From all we have

heard Mr. M’Clintock is well worthy the reception he met from a happy and respectable

tenantry. He is spoken of by all classes who

had the pleasure of his acquaintance in the

strongest terms. We hope soon to have the

gratification of hearing that he has come to

reside on the estate.- 'Tyrone Constitution'                                   

18th April. 1845.

Above portrait:  Alexander McClintock Esq,. of Newtown House, Co. Louth.

(nephew of the above Alexander McClintock of Drumcar married to Mary Perry of Perrymount).

The McClintocks are originally from Scotland, they settled in Trinta, Co. Donegal, Ireland between 1597 & 1623.


ALEXANDER McCLINTOCK, of Trinta, Co Donegal; m 1648 Agnes Stenson (d 6 Dec 1696), daughter of Donald Maclean, and d 6 Sept 1670, having had, 

JOHN McCLINTOCK, of Trinta; b 1649; m 11 Aug 1687 Janet, 4th daughter of John Lowry, of Ahenis, Co Tyrone and Mary Buchanan, and d 3 Sept 1707, having had, 

1. Alexander, of Drumcar, Co Louth; b 30 Sept 1692; m Rebecca, daughter of William Sampson, and dsp 25 May 1775.

2. JOHN McCLINTOCK, of Trinta; b 27 March 1698; m Susannah Maria, 2nd daughter of William Chambers, of Rock Hall, Co Donegal, and had,

     1. ALEXANDER McCLINTOCK, of Newtown, Co Louth; b 30 March 1746; m Dec 1781 Mary, only daughter of Samuel Perry, of Perrymount and Seskinore, Co Tyrone, and had,

SAMUEL McCLINTOCK, of Newtown, Co Louth, and Seskinore, Co Tyrone, JP for both Co's, High Sheriff, Co Louth, 1843, sometime Lt 18th RI Regt; b 1790; m 1st, Jane, daughter of Lieut.-Col Lane; she d 1837. He m 2nd, Jan 1839, Dorothea, 4th daughter of John Knox of Moyne Abbey by whom he left at his decease, 13 Dec 1852, two sons, 

  1. GEORGE PERRY McCLINTOCK, b. 6 Nov 1819
  2. Samuel John, d. 1856 

In 1845 after the death of Mary Perry the estate went to Samuel McClintock.

Shortly after his arrival at Seskinore, Samuel had the whole of his estate mapped in 1846, the maps were bound in a large red book, which is now at PRONI (D586), it delineates the Perry/McClintock estate for the first time:


'And reciting that by the order of the Court of Chancery in Ireland dated 17th June 1854. It was (amongst others) declared that under the will of said George Perry, the said George Perry McClintock was seized of an estate tail in possession of all the lands set forth”, “including the townlands of Drumconnelly [sic], Tullyrush, Tullyharm, Tullytemple, Rarone, Upper Mullaghmore, Lower Mullaghmore including the Mansion House and 10 acres, Moylagh, Ranelly, the mill at Ranelly and the town and lands of Seskanore all situate in the Barony of Omagh and the County of Tyrone and also the town and lands of Freighmore, Tullyvally and Kilgort situate in the Barony of Clogher and County of Tyrone and also the town and lands of Camowen situate in the Barony of East Omagh and said County of Tyrone and also the town and lands of Knockadreenan situate in the Barony of Armagh and County of Armagh', a total of 4553 acres.

Remains of Perrymount (Mullaghmore house) 2009.

Artist drawing of how Seskinore house would look after being remodelled and extended in 1862, to a design by Londonderry and Belfast architects, Boyd & Batt (DB 4, 15 Mar,1 Oct 1862, 72,254), it was a fine house, it consisted of 5 public rooms and 10 bedrooms, staff quarters and a house for the Butler.

The McClintocks flourished in Seskinore, unlike many other Irish Landowners who were noted by their absenteeism, the McClintocks lived on their land. The men followed a career in the army.
Samuel McClintock married on the 17th January 1839, Dorothea (Dora) daughter of John Knox Esq., of Moyne Abbey, Co. Mayo, they had two sons, George Perry born 6th Nov 1839 and Samuel John born in 1842, Samuel died on 1st September 1854.
Samuel McClintock died on the 13th Dec 1852 aged 62, Dora survived him by 43yrs dying on the 31st August 1896 aged 92, she was a much loved member of the family, well known for her kindness and charitable work.

On the death of Samuel the estate was inherited in tail male by their surving son, Lt. Col. George Perry McClintock Esq., J.P, D.L, of the 4th Battalion of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers, he was A.D.C to two successive Lord Lieutenants of Ireland, the Duke of Abercorn and Earl Spencer, on 1 May, 1860 he married Amelia (Emy) Harriett Alexander daughter of Rev. Samuel Alexander of Termon and Charlotte Frances Beresford, daughter of the Rev. Charles Cobbe Beresford, Rector of Termon 1809-1850 (a connection of the Marquess of Waterford) and Amelia Montgomery, daughter of Sir William Montgomery of Magbiehill and Anne Evatt.


Dorothea McClintock nee Knox, wife of Samuel McClintock.

b.c. 1804 - d. 31st August 1896 aged 92.

Lt. Col. George Perry McClintock

Amelia (Emy) Harriett Alexander

(Above) Rev. Charles Cobbe Beresford and Amelia Montgomery, maternal grandparents of Amelia (Emy) Alexander, wife of George Perry McClintock.

(Post nuptial settlement is dated 8th November 1860, entails the estate in tail male).   

They had 12 children:

  1. Beresford George Perry; b 15 Feb 1861; dsp 31 Jan 1870
  2. JOHN (Jack) KNOX, of whom presently.
  3. Harry Edward; b 11 Oct 1865; dsp 2 April, 1866.
  4. Augustus, Capt and Brevet-Maj., DSO, 1st Battery Seaforth Highrs, served W. African Frontier Force; 1st class Resident, Bornu Province, N Nigeria (despatches); d 24 June, 1912.
  5. Leopold Arthur, late Capt 3rd Battery Roy Inniskilling Fusiliers; served in S African War (despatches); b 23 Nov 1868; d 11 June, 1906.
  6. Hubert Victor, Lt 4th Battery Roy Inniskilling Fusiliers; b 24 July 1870; m 19 Feb 1902, Charlotte Fraser (d 9 March 1936), youngest dau of George Pim Malcolmson, of Woodlock, Portlaw, Co Waterford; d 15 Aug 1910, having had issue.
  7. Guy Reginald (Sydney, Australia), late Lt Inniskilling Fusiliers, served in S African War 1899-1902 with 22nd Rough Riders, and in Great War 1914-18 with Australian Expeditionary Force; b 6 Nov 1876; educ Rossal; m 1913, •Ethel Spendelow.
  8. Dorothea (Dodo) Selina Navarra; m Oct 1891, •Edward Charles Thompson, MP, F.R.CS; she d 3 Aug 1928, having had issue, two daus.
  9. Amelia (Emy) Charlotte Olivia; m 23 July 1902, •John Willis, 2nd s of late Gen Sir George Willis, GCB.
  10. Eleanor (Nell) Harriette Woodrop; m 12 Sept 1901, Capt George Peacock, West Indian Regt and Roy Inniskilling Fusiliers, and d 3 Feb 1925, having had issue, one dau He d 1923.
  11. Madeline Frances Edith; d 20 Jan 1933.
  12. Florence Beatrice Hanna; m 23 July 1902, Capt Audley Willis, 3rd Battery Hampshire Regt and 60th King's Roy Rifles, 3rd s of the late Gen Sir George Willis, GCB, and has issue, one dau.

The house at Seskinore was remodelled and extended in 1862 to a design by Londonderry and Belfast architects, Boyd & Batt (DB 4, 15 Mar,1 Oct 1862, 72,254), it was a fine house, it consisted of 5 public rooms and 10 bedrooms, staff quarters and a house for the butler. George chose to be known as George Perry-McClintock, presumably out of respect and in recognition of the inheritance that came from his Great Uncle, George Perry, he had coat of arms made with the Perry and McClintock arms quartered (although not formally granted), they were displayed on the newly remodelled Seskinore house, on the pediment above the porte-cochère and at the Orange hall in Seskinore village, where they can still be seen today. 

The demesne at Seskinore as seen in the map of 1846, is quite different from what we see today, this too was remodelled by George Perry McClintock, the road was re-routed and the land enclosed to enlarge the demesne, into the familiar shape that we see to this day (below right). The original courtyard was added to and a second courtyard was constructed (there were stables, barns, kennels and other estate offices, and a house was built for the butler, below left).


The butler's house, which was just at the back of the wallled garden, demolished c.2010.

Tragically Harry Edward McClintock died on the 2nd April 1866 and then the eldest son Beresford died aged 9, on 31 January 1870. George Perry-McClintock made the following petition (c.1873):-

Marcus Gervais By Divine Providence

Archbishop of Armagh Primate of all Ireland

and Metropolitan and Bishop of Clogher

To our beloved in Christ the Reverend

the officiating Minister in the Parish of Donaghavey

and the reverend Robert Vickers Dixon, Doctor in Divinity

Rector of the parish of Clogherney in our Diocese

of Armagh.-


Whereas Major George Perry McClintock,

J.P.D.L. of Seskinore, near Omagh in the County

of Tyrone has presented a Petition to us stating that

the remains of his brother Samuel John McClintock

who died September 1st 1854, and also those

of two of his children, Viz Harry Edward McClintock

who died April 2nd 1866, and Beresford George

Perry McClintock who died January 31, 1870

were interred in the Churchyard of Fintona

in our Diocese of Clogher said remains

having been interred in leaden coffins, and

That Major (McClintock) desires to remove said remains

to the Burial place constructed and set apart

for the use of members of his family in the

Churchyard attached to the Chapel of Ease lately

built at Seskinore, Parish of Clogherney, in our Diocese

of Armagh.

And Praying us to grant him a Faculty

for this purpose.


We Assenting to such Petition hereby grant our licence:

1. To exhume the said Corpses of the said

Samuel John McClintock, Harry Edward

McClintock, and Beresford George Perry

McClintock, if the same can be discerned

from the other corpses therein or near them


Second- To deposit and intomb the same in

the said Burial Place in the Churchyard

attached to the Chapel of Ease at Seskinore

and we order

3. That such exhumation, depositing, and

intombing be conducted, decently and reverently.

Dated +c

(PRONI DIO.4/32C/9/11/5)

Amelia, Dora and Ninny (Beresford's nurse, Jane Knews) erected a commemoration stained glass window (below right) in the Chapel of Ease, which had recently been constructed on the estate. The church was consecrated on Tuesday 9th September 1873 by His Grace. Marcus Gervais Beresford, The Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of All Ireland.

Beresford with Ninny (Jane Knews)  his nurse.

The coat of arms which are currently displayed in the courtyard wall at Seskinore forest, were previously said to have been part of the pediment above the porte-cochère of Seskinore House, in 2019 Sarah Goss was commissioned by Alex Watson to recreate it in lime wood.

Seskinore House, c. 1870's

Perry-McClintock coat of arms, Orange Hall, Seskinore.

A digital depiction of the Perry-McClintock arms as used by George Perry-McClintock. The coats of arms are the work of heraldry expert Eddie Geoghegan (ARALTAS).

 4th Battalion of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers. 1874.

1. Major. (G. P.) McClintock

2. Lieut.  C. M. Alexander

3. Capt. C. K. Colhoun

4. Capt. J. Auchinleck

5. Capt. R. S. Hamilton

6. Lieut. H. Alexander

7. Lieut. H. Irvine

8. Lieut. R. Miller

9. Lieut. Col. I. A. Caulfield (Coms Officer)

10. Capt. Deane Mann

11. Major. (Lt. Col) Ellis

12. Lieut. J. B. Thompson

13. Capt. L. Buchanan

14. Lieut. H. French

15. Lieut. Anketell

16. Capt. The Hon. R. O'neil

17. Lieut. I. Stronge

18. Capt. (Bt. Major) Armstrong

19. Capt & Adjt R.C.D. Ellis

20. Surgeon Moore

21. Asst Surgeon Thompson

22. Quarter master Coue?

George Perry-McClintock died on the 26 Dec 1887, his eldest surviving son John (Jack) Knox inherited the estate in tail male,

 John (Jack) Knox McClintock, CBE (1921) JP and DL, High Sheriff Co Tyrone 1891, b 8 Feb 1864; educ Cheltenham College and Oxford Military College, He commanded the 4th Battalion Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers (Royal Tyrone Fusiliers Militia) 1881-1887, Hon Capt in the Army 1900; Comd. 3rd Inniskilling Fusiliers 1909-19, Brevet-Col 1917, served in Great War 1914-18 (despatches); b 8 Feb 1864. After his retirement from the army he threw himself wholeheartedly into the organisation of the Ulster Special Constabulary in Tyrone and was appointed County Commandant, Vice - Chairman Tyrone CC, ADC to the Duke of Abercorn, when he was Governor of Northern Ireland. 

On 27th April 1893 at St Stephen's Church in Dublin, he married Amy Henrietta Eccles eldest daughter and co-heiress of John Stuart Eccles Esq., D.L of Ecclesville, Fintona, Co. Tyrone and Frances Caroline Browne of Aughentaine Castle, Fivemiletown, Co Tyrone. The landholding of the Ecclesville Estate was 9227 acres, it partly bordered the McClintock Estate. A Disentailing deed is dated the 24th April 1893 followed by a marriage settlement on the 26th April 1893 which sets out that if there was no son of the marriage and Jack had no son from any other marriage thereafter, then the Seskinore estate would go to their daughter if any.

The Ecclesville estate was entailed in tail male, Amy was the owner of the estate for life, if she died without a son it would pass to the first son, if any of her sisters and so on...

Seskinore entail from the marriage settlement dated 26th April 1893,

Amy & Jack resided at Ecclesville for some years before they moved to Seskinore.

On the 1st May 1895 a celebration was held to mark Amy's 21st birthday, so at some point between 1895-1901 the move was made to Seskinore, where they are living at the time of the  1901 census, the census records show that Jack is in Dover, England, on what appears to be military related work.


1901 Census fo Seskinore 





Relation to head of family

Religious Profession

Where born


Amelia [sic] Henrietta































Ladies maid







Kitchen maid











(L-R) J.K McC, Amelia C McC, Guy McC, Amy H McC,

in front, Rose Eccles (sister of Amy McC), Portrush 1896.

A letter written by Augustus McClintock to his sister in law Amy from 'The Old Hall' in Rostrevor, where the McClintocks were holidaying, gives some family gossip and also confirms the living arrangements. (most likely written in 1896 as Amy's uncle Charles Eccles who is mentioned, died in 1897, this would also be around the time of the above photograph taken in Portrush 1896.) 

The Old Hall





My Dear Amy

Thanks for sending the bike. Mother is not getting on at all as fast as she ought to her temperature is up every night and she still feels the pain in her chest. I don't know what it can be. old Vesy says that he thinks her lung better, but I don't believe in him, I hate his rotten jokes, and I am certain he does not understand her, Hubert is now laid up with a sore foot and can hardly get about at all, it is an old hurt, and has turned into a boil and looks very bad. Nell has gone to meet Emy at Portadown and bring her on here, Dodo drops her there on the way to Belfast to see Dentist and comes here this evening. I am going to Armagh tomorrow to see Harry about my life insurance, I am coming back the same evening, as I think I am going to Portrush on Thursday, I will go via Derry, as I am going to see King on my way. I hope the hounds are giving every satisfaction, I have not seen your letter as Nell took it to read in the train.

The shooting must have been good at Dassy's I suppose the rain spoiled it a good deal. Your Uncle Charles walks past every day with his wife, I never saw anyone so changed in appearance since the last time I saw him when they were living in Kingstown, he looks so old and sour looking now. Mrs B Lecky is very kind sending nearly every day to ask for mother she and Missy were here yesterday, I did not see them. Mr B Lecky had his shoot the other day and managed to get 25 pheasants I believe he was greatly annoyed about it. Funny enough. Nell and I went to church yesterday it was dull enough. Young Raymond was there his hands covered with large diamond rings, big button hole, specs with gold chain, gold chain to hold his Tyrolean hat on with, altogether a terrible sight, I think its a pity of the boy. I am not enjoying my stay here, There is absolutely nothing to do and it has been raining nearly the whole time. I had no idea Rostrevor was such a wee dog hole, I expected it to be a fashionable health resort, but it certainly is warm and the house very nice only leaking in 3 places. You & dear Jack must come down. It will be much better when poor Ma can get up, but she cant as long as her temperature keeps so high at night.

Rose sent one of the cuffs for my smoking coat, its very nice, I sent the pattern for the collar, it will be a smartish garment when it is finished. When are you thinking of getting over to Seskinore=I will not get my company yet both the steps have been absorbed which is much better than bringing in an outsider, so probably when the next step goes I will have the required service and will then get it all right. I was in Newry Saturday with Florence shopping its not much of a town


Low church

High steeple

Dirty streets

Proud people

That’s Newry

The length of this letter has overcome me.

With much kind love from the Rostrevor division of the family to those at Ecclesville



Rejoicings at Ecclesville

Coming of Age of Mrs M'Clintock


On Wednesday the beautiful grounds sur-

rounding Ecclesville were the scene of much

animation on the occasion of the celebration of

the coming of age of the popular owner. The

first part of the celebration took the form of a

dinner to the tenantry on the estate and to the 

Seskinore tenants, and for this upwards of 400

invitations had been issued. The purveying

had been placed in the hands of Messrs. John-

stone & Son, Criterion Restaurant, Derry, and

that firm carried throughtheir part of the pro-

ceedings to the entire satisfaction of the givers,

Captain and Mrs. M'Clintock, and equally to

the satisfaction of the guests. To provide ac-

comodation for the large number of guests, all

the p.ublic rooms of the house, including the

dining-room, library, &c., were utilised, and

the 400 guests present were enabled to dine in 

comfort. In the dining-room covers for over

80 guests were laid, and here shortly after four

o'clock Captain M'Clintock took the chair.

Accompanying him were Mrs. M'Clintock. Mr.

H. M'Clintock. Mr.--- M'Clintock, the Misses

M'Clintocks, Dr. and Mrs. Edward Thompson,

Mrs. Duncan, and Mrs. Donaldson

The Tyrone Free Press, May 4, 1895.

Photographs survive of the interior of Seskinore house, taken c.1890's they show the hall and drawing room, in the photograph of the hall, to the right of the fireplace, a portrait can be seen of Jack, and in the reflection of the mirror above the fireplace, is a portrait of Amy, in a heavy florentine frame, the portrait was painted by Costa* (Possibly: Giovanni Costa or John da Costa).


*Listed in 'Copy inventory and valuation by Gallows of Oxford Street, London, in respect of land at Seskinore Lodge, for Colonel J.K. McClintock. [Dec. 1914]'. PRONI D1716/19





An 'A' Special Constabulary mobile platoon, infront of Seskinore house.

Jack was a keen hunter, he took over from his father as master of the Tyrone Hunt in 1886. He renamed it The Seskinore Hunt, a position he held until 1904, when Mr King Houston of Omagh became master, in 1915 the hunt was suspended due to the war, it was reformed in 1922, with Jack as the master, he remained the master until his death in 1936.

THE SESKINORE HARRIERS were first established as

a private pack in 1860 and were the property of the

McClintock family until 1904, during which time

the kennels were at Seskinore. They then bacame a

subscription pack, but hunting was suspended from

1915-1922 owing to the Great War.


Distinctive Collar:- Green Velvet; Hunt Buttons,

(Hare Galloping); Evening;- Dark Green Coat, Green

Velvet Collar, Crimson Waistcoat; Evening Buttons,

(Hare, full face).


CAP, 1/-,

Seskinore Hunt Button (Hare Galloping).

Amy (nee Eccles) McClintock, with 2 of her McClintock sister in laws.

(L-R) Amelia (Emy) Alexander m. George Perry - McC, 

Amy Eccles m. J.K. McC,

Dorothea (Dora) Knox  m. Samuel McC. (Photograph c.1895)

Colonel John Knox McClintock & Amy (nee Eccles) McClintock

On the 21st July 1898 in Dublin, Amy gave birth to her first and only child, Amelia Isobel Eccles McClintock, she was to be known as Leila and appears to have had a happy childhood, growing up in the family home and enjoying the country lifestyle and pursuits that were an intrinsic part of the Irish Landed Gentry.

As a child Leila created her own garden close to the house, her sense of humour appears to in the form of a sign that was attached to the gate at the entrance to her secret garden

 'Please Knock'

In a letter dated 13th January 1903, John K McClintock, asked for legal clarification on the entail:- 

13th January 1903.


Co. Tyrone.

Ecclesville Estate.


Dear Sir,

In reply to your letter of 10th inst.

The Ecclesville Estate goes as follows:-

If Mrs McClintock dies without a son the

Estate goes to Miss Eccles (Rose) if alive, for her

Life, if she dies without a son it will then go to

Mrs Stoney (Dosie) if alive for life. If she dies

without a son it will go to the eldest son

(if any) of the late Charles Edward Eccles.

If he has died without a son it will go to

Robert Gilbert Eccles (Grand uncle) if alive for his life,

And after his death to his eldest son.

Failing all this it will go in thirds to the

Daughters of Mrs McClintock, Miss Eccles and

Mrs Stoney. If Miss Eccles should die without

children, then one half to the daughters of

Mrs McClintock and one half to the daughters

Of Mrs Stoney. Under settlement of the

Ecclesville Estate executed upon your marriage

in case Mrs McClintock dies without a son

your daughter will only receive £3,000 out of the

entire estate.

Seskinore Estate.

Upon your death the estate goes to your

Daughter provided there is no son.

Yours faithfully,

King Houston

Major J.K McClintock


Little is known about Leila's early life, there are a few photographs of her that came from an album that was saved at the time of the sale of Seskinore house, but not much more.

There are several news clips which tell us about the annual concerts held at Fintona town hall and Ecclesville hosted by Raymond Browne-Lecky, Amy's cousin, she was a regular performer at these events and often dueted with Raymond at the events c.1912, however there is no mention of Leila.

During our visit to Seskinore in 2005, it became apparent that the people we met were uncomfortable when we asked, if anybody knew anything about Leila's life at Seskinore and also anything about Amy, 'such as where was she buried?',  we were met with an awkward silence, and an expression on their faces that showed that they knew something, but just didn't want to say. We could not get any information, that was until, some of the villagers approached me at the welcome party held in the school, and all became clear.

Apparently at some point c.1916, Colonel McClintock, who was past the age for active service, was in command of the 3rd Battalion of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers at Londonderry, it came to his attention that his wife was having an affair with a man from Omagh, the Colonel decided to surprise the lovers, he caught them in the throngs of passion, and according to the villagers who told me the story in 2005, he burst in to the bedroom and chased the naked man from the house with a horsewhip in his hand.

This story was verified by Rosalie McClintock née Orr, daughter of Mr. W. E. Orr, Clerk of the Crown and Peace, a close friend of Colonel McClintock, however Rosalie recalled that the man in question was George Fleming, son of Dr. Fleming of Campsie house in Omagh, and the Colonel had threatened to shoot him on the spot, and she said he would have been right do so.

The Colonel apparently banished Amy, she was dropped from all McClintock family social events, and she was forced to move from Ireland, she settled in England, near her sister in Gloucestershire. It is said that she never did set foot in Ireland while her estranged husband was alive.

This ties in well, as a record at the National archives places Leila in Gloucestershire in 1917, on the 27 November 1917, Leila enrolled at RFC (Royal Flying Corps) Rendcomb, Gloucestershire. 





No: 2465

Name: McClintock Leila

Rank: Member

Air Force Trade: M.T. Driver (Crossley)

Enrolled on. 27/11/17 at 21st Wing, at Rendcomb. 


Age: 20

Height: 5'9"

Build: Slight

Eyes: Grey

Hair: Fair


Her work during the time she has been in the Force has been carried out in a highly satisfactory and thoroughly exemplary manner.

Her personal character has been Excellent.

Date 17 May 1919, Rendcomb.







Leila with her father.







Leila in uniform behind the wheel of a Crossley, c.1917 at RFC Rendcomb, Gloucestershire.

Amy's sister Dosie lived in Gloucestershire at this time and it is here that Amy and Leila moved to, after the breakdown of the marriage, there are several letters in the McClintock archives at PRONI (D1711/2) and they show just how strained the relationship between Jack & Amy had become, it never did mend and sadly, had a long last effect on the way that the family unit worked, so much so that even after the death of Jack in 1936, Amy sent a representative on her behalf to the funeral, and possibly the management of the estate would have been handled differently had there not been so much acrimony, it may have been able to weather the storm that was coming in the next few years.


LT.-Col. H. G. S. ALEXANDER, F.S.I.                                                

Telegrams-  “CARRICKMORE.”                                    





1st day of Oct 1923.

My dear Jack.

I had a letter from Mrs McClintock in which she asks me

to tell you she would like the following things sent to

Rose Delmege Manor House., Cricklade, Wiltshire.

As the old Delmeges would buy them from her & they

are going to come to see them when they arrive

sometime this month, as the old pair are going

abroad by beginning of Nov. next.

  1. Her Grand Mother’s picture.
  2. The Best of the Claud pictures.
  3. All Ecclesville Silver but not the cup from servants gantrie.

Rose will pay for packing, insurance & carriage.

She says “if she gets the above sold the money will

“get her out of debt & helps to furnish Leilas flat

“which is only like a labourers room”

So it is better that you get a man to

pack all up securely, have them insures &

sent off by Belfast & Liverpool, carriage forward.

The man to insure lives next door to White Hart at

the corner. Mrs McC is moving into another cottage

called Holm Dene next month & Dosie is going

to her home, Milton Lodge, Fairford, Gloucestershire.


Yours affectionately

Henry Alexander


Send me all

c/o Dickey  

The agent for the Ecclesville estate was Lt-Col. Henry George Samuel Alexander (1848-1931) of Carrickmore House, Co. Tyrone, he was the uncle of Jack McClintock (his mother's brother).






Leila with a friend (possibly a family member).

Leila met Lieut. Cecil Rhodes Field, he was an ASC (Air Surveillance & Control) serving in the RFC & RAF, they were married on the 1st January 1920 at the Register Office in Hanover Sq, London, the marriage did not last, and they divorced in 1927.

Leila met married Captain. Wilfred Heyman Joynson Wreford. a.k.a. Tony Joynson-Wreford, Tony had served in the RAF and was to have a life long interest in flying, they were married on 30th August 1932 at the Registry office in Fulham, London, the marriage was witnessed by her mother, Amy McClintock. 

Capt. W. H (Tony) Joynson-Wreford

Wilfred Heyman Joynson Wreford, was born on the 30th July 1896 at 18 Belsize Grove, London, his birth certificate records his name as Wilfred Samuel Joynson Wreford, his parents were, Dr. Heyman Wreford, MRCS, LRCP and Catherine Hannah Guerrier,  the middle name Samuel was later replaced with Heyman. Wilfred had an elder brother, Bertran William Heyman Wreford and an elder sister, Christabel Emma Catherine Wreford.

Heyman Wreford originally worked in the Wreford family business, a Gents Drapers firm in Exeter, at the age of forty he was a medical student in London. In 1892 he married Catherine Hannah Guerrier, daughter of corn merchant, Henry John Guerrier, Catherine's mother, Emma was the daughter of William Joynson, owner of Joynson's papermill in St Mary Cray, Kent.

The Wrefords moved to Brighton, before finally re-settling in Exeter where they lived at "The Firs, Denmark Rd, Exeter".

The Sketch, 11 Dec 1918.

Tony Joynson-Wreford had been married twice before, firstly to Mrs. Frances Agnes Parker (above), widow of Captain. Alan Foggett Parker, they were married at the Chapel Royal, Savoy, London on the 12th of December 1918. Frances had a daughter also called Frances, from her previous marriage.

In 1923, Tony had met Olive Fletcher nee Trainor (below), wife of Henry Keddey Fletcher, and they started an affair, which had led to his separation with Frances, this also ended Olive's marriage, she had 2 daughters, Patricia and Barbara, with Keddey. It was a very acrimonius separation, Olive lost custody of the children, she did however get an annuity which was substantial. Tony's divorce from Frances was granted on 1st feb 1926, and on the 10th March that year he, married Olive at the British Consulate in Paris.

In September 1927 Tony co-financed an attempt to fly from Baldonnel in Ireland to America in a FOKKER F.VIIa monoplane, called “Princess Xenia”Tony was originally to have been the navigator on the flight which was being flown by Captain. Robert MacIntosh the owner of the plane, unfortunately he was forced to stand down due to the recurrence of an old leg injury, Commandant. James Fitzmaurice took his place. The arrival at Baldonnel was captured by Pathe news and can be seen below.

The main financier of the flight was William Bateman Leeds, the aircraft which was named after his Russian wife, Princess Xenia Georgievna. Tony originally was to have been the navigator on the flight, which was being flown by Captain. Robert MacIntosh the owner of the plane, unfortunately he was forced to stand down due to the recurrence of an old injury, Commandant. James Fitzmaurice took his place.

Evening Telegraph - Monday 12 September 1927

A heavily pregnant Olive, standing next to her husband Tony Joynson-Wreford beside the 'Princess Xenia',  at Baldonnel aerodrome. Sep 1927.

A few months after the failed attempt of the “Princess Xenia” Tony accompanied Captain W G R Hinchcliffe DFC, on an inspection of the aerodrome at Baldonnel, reportedly planning to make it the headquarters for a transatlantic flight attempt, 2 weeks later at 8.35am on the 13th of March 1928, Captain Hinchcliffe took to the skies in 'Endeavour' a Stinson SM-1 Detroiter monolpane, his co-pilot was believed to be 'Gordon Sinclair', it turned out to be the Hon. Elsie Mackay daughter of the 1st Earl of Inchcape, The aircraft was sighted several times but unfortunately it disappeared, 8 months later an identifiable part of the undercarriage was washed ashore on a beach on the west coast of Ireland.

In another strange twist to Xenia’s life story, she was to become a close friend and later bridesmaid to Lady Rosemary Mackay, Grand niece of Elsie.


Captain Hinchcliffe and Captain Joynson-Wreford were at Baldonnel aerodrome about a fortnight ago, and,. although no absolute definite  arrangements were made, it was  understood that he would make the aerodrome the headquarters for his Transatlantic attempt.


(The Irish Times Wednesday March 14, 1928)

The following January they were in the South of France, Olive who was just about due to have the baby and Olive decided that she had to get back to England to give birth, unfortunately Olive took unwell after eating oysters for lunch in Paris, and went into labour, on the 10th January 1928, she gave birth to a healthy son in a hotel in Rue de Bassano. The baby was named Anthony (Pat) Patrick Joynson-Wreford. The marriage was over shortly after, and by the October of that year Olive took off to America with Pat where she remained until 1938 only returning when war looked likely. Pat said that his mother told him, that his father left after his birth and never returned, this always made Pat feel that he was a cold and uncaring man, something that he later came to change his mind on, after meeting people who had known his father in Seskinore and also, after reading letters (below) that we were able to get copies of from the national Archives, written by his father, which were submitted as evidence during the subsequent divorce. Evidently Tony was not in a good place at this time, he writes about the state of his finances and how unpleasant the last 14 months have been, this was in the aftermath of the failed transatlantic flight, followed shortly by the loss of Elsie Mackay and Captain Hinchcliffe.

Even if Tony had intended to be involved in his sons life, it would have been difficult for him to see him, as Olive and 9 month old Pat, boarded a ship in October of 1928, bound for America, where with letters of introduction from friends in England, she intended to take Hollywood by storm.When the ship arrived in New York, Olive was not allowed to disembark as she had no Immigration Visa, she was unable to return to England as she did not have sufficient funds to purchase a ticket, they were deported to the nearest British Protectorate in Bermuda.

Olive with Pat in Bermuda. c.1932.

The Honywood Hotels Ltd.





c/o G,R, Cran



Dear Olive


Your wire arrived yesterday & I answered it. So I presume you have left for Cannes by now. Why you should have addressed it to the Hotel & not to me I rather fail to understand. But I have a very good idea. I have thought things over very seriously since I last saw you & I have come to the conclusion that it is hopeless for you & I to try & continue as we are now. I would have talked to you about it in Paris. But it is useless for you & I to try and argue out anything. I have asked you before & I ask you again now to divorce me.

After all you are young – in fact we both are & I cannot see the point of continuing in a marriage which has turned out so disastrously - I don’t want you to think that I am unfair – you know yourself that the position is hopeless.

The child I promise you will be looked after & naturally I shall be responsible for you up to a certain point. That can be arranged by the lawyer. I know a man in Paris who will do everything quietly. I imagine you would prefer it that way. There is no question of any other woman. Although you invariably think so – it is merely incompatibility of temperament or anything else you like to call it. The last 14 months have not been pleasant & I must work to live. I feel I should be far better alone. I know that this letter will upset you & probably make you furious – so but please read it over several times – very carefully. I am leaving here & I am still uncertain as to where I shall be so will you write to me c/o Cran – I only suggest this as I shall be moving quite a bit & can always get him on the telephone & tell him my address. I am very sorry about everything in many ways. But it is just one of those things that will happen. As a matter of fact you will be far happier away from me & I will definitely give you enough to live on – more I cannot do – as you know the state of my finances at the moment. Everything can be arranged with the lawyer in black & white – Bobbie I will arrange about. At the moment he is with the vet with eczema. I will send you some money this week.

I hope you are both well & I am very sorry that this should have happened. At such a time as I know it is not good for you or the child. But you must admit that it was all discussed long ago. & you refused to do anything until after the birth of the child – after all Olive. When love has ceased to exist it is useless to continue – we have always been great friends. But as husband & wife we are impossible – That much you must admit.

As soon as I hear from you I will get the lawyer to write you a letter & the whole thing can be done in Paris quietly & decently.

I wish I could have talked to you about all this instead of writing. But that as you know was impossible. I feel now that I want to be alone for the rest of my life – I have tried marriage twice & both have failed – so I shall not try again -





It may all be my fault if it is I am sorry.




The Honywood Hotels Ltd.







My dear Olive

I got your letter this morning & wired you at once. As you particularly want it I will do as you wish but I really don’t see the point. I want you anyway if you will to stay away for a month & think things over. I don’t want you to be unkind as I know you are not well. but you must admit that married life as far as we are concerned is rather hopeless. I feel I want to be entirely alone I really have nothing at all to do with any woman. I tell you this only because I feel it far better that you know the truth.

I will send you some money on Monday- I have none today. I hate to appear unkind so don’t misinterpret my letter.

I hope you are both well.


You little realize how many worries I have at the moment.


Thank heavens I have work to keep my mind occupied.










(Before the RIGHT HON. the PRESIDENT}

    In this undefended petition Mrs. Olive

Vivian Wreford, née Trainor, now a sales-

woman in Chicago, prayed for the dissolution

of her marriage with Captain Wilfred Hey-

man Joynson Wreford, a retired Army officer,

on the ground of his adultery with Mrs. Francis

Agnes Joynson Wreford, his former wife. who

was granted a decree absolute for the dissolu-

ion of her marriage with him on February 1,


    The marriage which was the subject of the

present petition took place at the British Con

sulate in Paris on March 10, 1926 There was

one child of the marriage, an infant daughter.

The adultery charged was said to have taken

place at a flat in Moreton-terrace. Old

Brompton-road. where the respondent was

alleged to-be living with his former wife.

    Mr. C. L. Beddington appeared for the

petitioner. whose evidence on affidavit was


    The President. in giving judgement, said

that the petitioner. when she was a married

woman, committed adultery with Captain

Wreford. Her then husband divorced her

and Captain Wreford's wife divorced him. The

present marriage, as might. have been expected,

was a, disastrous failure. The husband, after

professing weariness of the marriage state

generally, left his wife to fend for herself. She

obtained employment, and later she traced her

husband to an address in London and found

him cohabiting with his former wife.

    His LORDSHIP pronounced a decree nisi, with

custody of the child, and costs.

    Solicitor,--Mr. George R. Gran.


30 Oct 1929

(The child was mistakenly reported as a daughter in the news report)

Tony & Leila Joynson-Wreford.

At 'The Old Barn', Leatherhead, Surrey, on 3rd August 1935 Leila gave birth to a baby girl, they named her Penelope, she would be known as Xenia.

The following October Tony and Leila were holidaying in Switzerland with their baby daughter, when Leila’s father Col. J.K. McClintock, died at his home in Seskinore, on the 24th October 1936. The couple were unable to make it back in time for the funeral, they were represented, by Mr Thomas Frederick Maddocks, solicitor in London.

Col. J. K. McClintock was buried in the McClintock burial ground, next to the Chapel of Ease which had been built on the Seskinore estate.

It would appear that before his death, the Joynson-Wrefords were planning to move to Seskinore, probably to assist in the running of the estate. Col. J.K. McClintock visited the stables with Xenia, he is reported to have told a worker that his 'granddaughter was coming to live at Seskinore'.

Following her husband’s death, Amy seems to have decided to return to Seskinore with her family, she placed the following listing,

'McClintock, mrs Amy H. eld. dau and co-heiress of John Stuart Eccles of Ecclesville, co. Tyrone; m. 1893, col. John Knox McClintock, C.B.E., D.L.,J.P (d.1936); 1 dau,: Seskinore, Omagh, co. Tyrone, N. Ireland.' [sic]

 'Kelly’s Handbook to the Titled, Landed and Official Classes 1937'.


The couple made arrangements to move to Seskinore, with the intention of maintaining the family home. The joy of their arrival home and settling in to the country life was tragically cut short, when after only 3 weeks, Leila contracted meningitis, she died 4 days later on the 30th January 1937, aged 38.

Distraught from her death, Tony refused to have Leila buried, he wished to have her embalmed and placed in a glass coffin, which was to be kept in the house.

The Bishop was asked to intervene and a dispensation was secured, allowing Leila to be buried in a small garden that she had made near the house when she was a child.


“as a little girl, she made a garden on this site. With her own little hands she planted flowers here, and with childish interest and delight, looked after them. That spot, made sacred by her associations with it when she was a child is now to be sanctified by her abiding presence. Here we shall leave her in hope and peace.”


(Tyrone constitution 5th February 1937, Reproduced, Courtesy of The Tyrone Constitution.)

Above. Leila's grave in the garden of remembrance, Seskinore. 1937.

Below. c.1939.

Every night at 6pm Tony would take Leila’s dog for a walk to the 'Mistress’ garden', he would sit at her grave for up to an hour, he never recovered from her death and shortly afterwards his own health took a turn for the worse, workers on the estate believed that he 'did not have long for this world'. Over the next 3 years, he appears to have spent a considerable amount of time in clinics. Letters dating from 1938/40 sent by Tony Joynson-Wreford to the gardener at Seskinore, Andy McHugh, give us an insight into his life and also that of his daughter. Whilst Tony was convalescing in a Barnstaple nursing home, the Chapel of Ease was damaged on Christmas eve 1938. Tony's sister, Christabel Gladwell wrote to Andy McHugh at the time about their concern at hearing the news. He was suffering from Tuberculosis, in March 1939, he was taken by air ambulance from Barnstaple  airport to Zurich and then on to the Kurhaus in Clavadel, Davos. He was accompanied by Xenia, his own nurse and Xenia's nurse (Helen Hunter, 'nursie'). 

'Plane as Ambulance', 23 March 1939.

Devon & Exeter Gazette, Friday 24 March 1939

Tony died on the 23rd March 1940 from Tuberculosis. He had been convalescing at the Kurhaus, Clavadel, Davos, Switzerland (Above, postcard of Clavadel dated 1940, the Kurhaus is the large multi storey building to the left). In his will he left the following instruction:


 IT IS MY WISH that should my Trustees sell or let Seskinore House they should reserve to all members of my family or of the family of McClintock of which my darling Wife was a member the right in perpetuity to enter the said grounds for the purpose of visiting the grave of my said Wife end to keep-up the Garden of Remembrance wherein she is buried IT IS MY WISH that my body should be cremated and that my ashes should be scattered in the said Garden of Remembrance at Seskinore.


Local residents recall them being brought back from Switzerland, but due to the war being on at the time, they were kept in the Chapel of ease until after the war, when they buried beside Leila's grave and a memorial stone was placed next to hers.

Mid-Ulster Mail - Saturday 30 March 1940



Intimation has been received in Omagh of the death, which took place in Switzerland. Captain Joynson Wreford, of Seskinore. County Tyrone. Captain Wreford was a son-in-law of the late Colonel .J. K. McClintock. C.B.E., D.L., Seskinore. The late Captain Wreford married the only daughter and heir of Colonel McClintock. His wife died some time ago. His health has been impaired owing to injuries in the Great War. He is survived by a daughter of tender years.

Shortly before his death he sold part of the Mullaghmore estate (below) containing 227 acres, 3 roods and 15 perches to the Ministry of agriculture.

Tony’s will dated, 18th March 1939, appointed Leila’s cousin, Capt. Anthony C S Delmege  and Lady Marjorie Edith Hare to be Xenia’s guardians. On the 16th March 1940, one week before he died, Tony  added a codicil to his will, revoking the appointment of Capt. Delmege, appointing in 'lieu' Tony’s friend, Lt-Cdr. John H T Boteler and his wife Sheila, daughter of Ernest Rochfort Hooper and Gladys (Poppy) Maud Wallace.

The reason for this change was most probably his concern about the ongoing war with Germany, Tony would be only too well aware that Capt. Delmege may not survive (Tony had lost his brother Bertran in the 1st WW, along with many of his fellow servicemen). His first concern would be to ensure stability for Xenia’s future, his will set up a trust for his daughter upon attaining her majority of 21 years, her education and maintenance was to be paid for out of the trust, the trustee was appointed “the power to sell Seskinore house if required to raise funds for this purpose”.

In 1941 Seskinore House along with 115 acres 1 rood and 19 and one half perches with the exception of the garden of remembrance, which was reserved with a right of access at all reasonable times to members of the McClintock family. It was purchased by the Ministry of Agriculture, eventually they decided that they had no use for the house, and it was demolished. A news report from Belfast Telegraph in 1952 tells of its last days.

Belfast News Letter

Wednesday 10th of July 1940

  'The end of a house that nobody wanted.

30-room Ulster mansion to go'.


The house was demolished the same year, only the courtyard and outbuildings remain.


Xenia’s Grandmother, Amy McClintock moved to Molstyn, Orestan Lane, Effingham, Surrey. Amy's niece, Rose (daughter of her sister Dosie) and her husband William Frank Sugden lived close by.

Amy died on the 4th April 1942, she was buried in a simple grave in St. Lawrence Churchyard, Effingham, 3 days later. Her sister Dosie died in 1960 and was interred in the same grave.








The Boteler’s later divorced, and John agreed to leave the care of Zenia [sic] solely to Sheila (above).

Sheila married Colonel Pierre Fourcaud on the 3rd August 1944 (Xenia’s 9th birthday), according to published material Pierre, he had escaped from Chambéry on the 2nd August 1944, where he had been held since 19 May 1944.

Sheila met Pierre, who was with the French Resistance whilst she was driving for the Free French during the 2nd World War.

John Boteler married 2 more times, Xenia recalls meeting him in later years, he never mentioned her father or where her family came from. When Xenia asked Sheila about her parents she was told,

'they had died when she was a baby, that she did not know much about them, that she and John had met her father in the Kurhaus in Davos, Switzerland, where John was also convalescing, and Tony had asked them if they would be the guardians for his daughter, he gave them a week to make up their minds'.

It has since come to light that this was a complete fabrication, John Boteler was an old friend of Tony’s, they had stayed at Seskinore with Tony at least once together and Sheila stayed with Tony and Xenia during Christmas of 1937, when Sheila and Tony attended a Cocktail party at ‘Hampstead Hall’ the home of Elsmere and Rosalie McClintock, Sheila made a lasting impression on the Rosalie, who recalls 'Sheila was very glamorous, she wore a leopard skin jacket which was very striking, she was very social'.

Letters sent by Tony Joynson-Wreford to the gardener at Seskinore, Andy McHugh mention Sheila Boteler, six months before Tony's death. Andy kept the letters, which have been passed down to his grandson, Iggy McGovern, they help to build a picture of Tony's life over a 2 year period from Jan 1938 until his death on the 23rd March 1940. we met Iggy and his Aunt Cecilia in 2005 at her home in Seskinore village, as a young girl she had been employed by Captain. Wreford, who she remembered fondly, 

        'a lovely man, a kinder man you could not wish to meet'.

Cecilia was quite emotional when she met Pat, who strongly resembled his father, 'she said that he was so like his father, only his father was better looking'. Cecilia passed away in December 2006.

Xenia and Cecilia McHugh (Sep 2005).

Xenia remembers being visited a couple of times at school by Aunt Dosie (her Grandmother's sister, Anna Theodosia Hester Stoney nee. Eccles), unfortunately she does not recall what was said on these visits, she was mortified because she was called out of class to meet this person that she didn't know, she thought she 'looked like Queen Mary, with a stern face, dressed in black', another time a letter arrived for her at school; it said that she should be with her family and told her to say that she was unhappy living with Sheila. Xenia gave the letter to Sheila and there were no more visits or letters.

Shortly after when she was aged 10, Xenia’s nurse, Helen Hunter was relieved of her duties and Xenia was sent to Beaufront boarding school, this was followed by finishing schools in Paris, Switzerland and London.

Sheila Boteler with Xenia and Helen 'Nursie' Hunter.

Above. Photographs of Xenia, taken possibly in Northern Ireland.

Below. with her cousin Celeste Ray at the stables in Seskinore, c.1938.

On the 2nd Oct 1954 Xenia was bridesmaid at her friend, Susan Richards wedding to Terence Lowry Rowland Hill (below, Xenia is standing next to her cousin Terence), she attended the wedding with Sheila and Poppy (Sheila's mother). Unknown to Xenia at the time Susan's fiancé was her 2nd cousin once removed, they were both 2 x great granchildren of Rev. Samuel Alexander of Termon and Charlotte Frances Beresford, daughter of the Rev. Charles Cobbe Beresford, Rector of Termon.

This was lost on Xenia, but we were told by Celeste Ray's daughter, Julia Chessun, that there were a lot of McClintock and Alexander family at the wedding, and it was talked about later with other family members about who she was, but unfortunately neither they or Sheila (who was aware too that it was her family) let her know who they were and it wasn't until over 50 years later before she knew about the connection and how close she had been on that day to her maternal family.

In 1958 whilst travelling to India with Sheila, Xenia met Gordon (Glyn) Lindsay Lewis, a Welshman working as a tea planter in India who was returning to India after a visit home.

Before long, they fell in love.  Glyn proposed to Xenia three weeks later, as she was preparing to return to England. Sheila completely disapproved of the relationship, she had other plans for Xenia, and they did not involve marrying a tea planter in India!

Sheila was determined that the relationship would go no further and they returned to England however Sheila’s opposition made Xenia all the more resolved in her decision to return to India, with the help of Poppy (Sheila’s mother), she was given money and instructed 'to get back to India and buy a wedding dress, or if things were not as Xenia hoped for when she got to India then she would have enough money to get home!'


Glyn and Xenia. Taken onboard the boat to India, 1958.

They were married on the 14th April 1959, in Bangalore, South India, the marriage was a happy one and 3 children followed David (1960), Sharon (1963) and Michael (1965). After 8 years in India Glyn felt that a new challenge was required, in 1966, he accepted a job offer as a Cane inspector at Inkerman mill, Home Hill, North Queensland, Australia, Xenia and the family followed in 1967, another move in 1972 took them to Pioneer Mill, Ayr, where Glyn was to be the manager, a tied house came with the position on the mill property.

In 1982 Glyn died from a massive heart attack, he left a shattered family, their home was linked to his job at the sugar mill and there was no company pension.

So finding herself widowed and homeless aged 48, it would have been easier to return to Sheila, however she would have to live with Sheila would constantly reminding her how different life would have been if she done what she was told all those years ago!

She would just have to get on with it! First she needed to get a job, she found herself running a coffee shop, then a travel agency before working for the State Senator until her retirement.

Xenia decided that sitting at home was not for her, she decided to go to University and study Japanese and French culture, she also hoped to find Juliet a friend from her school days whom she had lost contact with when she left England for India, she signed up to Friends Reunited and hoped that Juliet would find her.

Xenia with her family, David, Sharon and Michael.

It was around this time that aviation researcher David Lang discovered British PATHE news archive footage of the 1927 Transatlantic attempt from Baldonnel in Ireland. 

Captain. R.H. Macintosh’s flight career is well documented; however, David had been unable to find any record of Capt. Joynson-Wreford's flight career before or after this event, he posted a request on the internet looking for information on Captain Joynson-Wreford, this was answered by Patrick (Pat) Joynson-Wreford, Tony's son from his marriage to Olive Fletcher nee Trainor. 

Patrick Joynson-Wreford, aka Pat Trevor.

Pat had no memory of his father, his parents were living in France at the time of their marriage in 1926 and his mother decided that she had to get back to England to give birth, this was not to be, as she took unwell after eating oysters for lunch in Paris and went into labour, where she gave birth to a healthy son in her hotel in Rue de Bassano. The baby was named Anthony (Pat) Patrick Joynson-Wreford.

Patrick Anthony Joynson-Wreford

The marriage was over shortly after, and by the October of that year Olive took off to America with Pat where she remained until 1938 only returning when war looked likely. 

Pat said that his mother told him Tony had died in Switzerland from TB, but not much else, his mother was always very bitter and spiteful about him, it had been her second marriage, she was married with 2 daughters to Henry Keddey Fletcher when she met Tony on a trip to London from her home in Brighton, they started an affair which ultimately ended their respective marriages, they were married in 1926. 

Olive with her daughters, Patricia (Pat) and Barbara.

I had known Pat since I was a child aged about 7, he was a family friend and I was always intrigued with his stories about his family, he made them sound mysterious and interesting, over the years we talked on and off about attempting to research his father, I have always been interested in family history and genealogy, we made some attempts to find out about his father, but, this was in the pre-internet days, and proved to be mostly unsuccessful, we found his RAF record and divorce notice from his Pat’s mother, which gave us his name as Wilfred Heyman Joynson Wreford, that was a start. 

Pat was looking for information on his father, he had recently been wondering what his father had really been like, the stories that his mother told him were full of bitterness and resentment, she had refused to talk about him and when she passed away in 1980. He was adamant that he remembered his mother telling him around about the time of the abdication of King Edward VIII (10th of Jan 1936), that his father had died, he said that she was more upset by the abdication than the death of her ex-husband.

Pat, now aged 76, decided that he wanted to try and find out what he could about the man, who had been his father, and so with the internet at his fingertips, he typed his father’s name in to the search engine, to his surprise he found David Lang’s enquiry about his father!

David Lang was intrigued with Pat’s quest to know about his father, he recruited his friend Jill Grey to assist with the research, Jill came up with numerous references from the “Times online” archive website, Tony’s marriage to Leila McClintock and their respective death notices:-


"JOYNSON-WREFORD. On 30 Jan 1937 after a

short illness LEILA, the loved one of TONY JOYNSON-

WREFORD. Funeral 2.30 pm Wednesday at Seskinore,"

 “JOYNSON-WREFORD. On March 23 1940 at

Clavadel, Davos, Switzerland, WILFRED HEYMAN

JOYNSON-WREFORD passed peacefully away.”


Although he had the date of his father's death confused, he was right that he had died from TB in Switzerland. It was not until years later when we were researching his father that we realised that it was his father’s wife Leila, that died in January 1936 (31st) and although his father did die as a result of TB, it was not until the 23rd of March 1940. But this did seem to prove that Olive was informed about both these events, most probably by George Cran, her solicitor at the time of her divorce from Tony, he also wired the alimony payments that she received from Keddey Fletcher and Tony.

A search was made of the Will's Calendar at Public Records office of Northern Ireland (PRONI), it recorded a will for Tony. A copy of the will was ordered a copy was ordered, it arrived in July 2004, there had been no newspaper intimations of a child having been born to Tony and Leila, so it came as a surprise to Pat to read in the will that he had a sister, Xenia Penelope!

Pat’s father’s will set up a trust for his sister’s education and maintenance.

Where was she, where do you start to look for your sister, searches on the internet failed to give any clue where she might be.

A 'Times' reference was found which told us that a baby boy had been born to Glyn and Xenia Lewis nee. Joynson-Wreford in India. A new search was made of Xenia's married name, a Xenia Lewis was registered on Friends Reunited, her maiden name was included on the profile it showed that she had lived in India and now lived in Australia.

Pat sent an email to Xenia through Friends Reunited profile explaining that they had the same father and hoping to hear from her. Two weeks went by with no reply, a second email was sent. It was quickly answered, Xenia had thought that somebody was playing a joke on her, she had told people about her search to find old school friends and thought that one of them had sent it as a joke.

Xenia was now aged 69 and having spent most of her life believing that she was adopted, although she kept her own name, it did not seem possible that she could have a 76-year old brother.

They corresponded by email exchanging photos and information, coincidentally they had both been in Australia for a short time in 1968, Xenia arrived with her husband and family, Pat had been there for 4 years working on the stage and radio under his stage name of Pat Trevor.

Pat lived and worked on stage in South Africa, Zambia/Rhodesia, before transferring to television to present the news. He moved to Scottish Television in 1964 where he worked as a continuity presenter, in 1968 he decided to make a fresh start in Australia, where he worked on stage and with Radio Australia in Melbourne, before returning in 1968 to his old job at STV, he remained until his retirement.

The Joynson-Wreford siblings decided to meet, Pat flew to Brisbane where he was met on Boxing day 2004 by his niece Sharon, her husband Ron and their children, Christopher, and Nicola. The following day Pat flew to Townsville to meet his Sister, their meeting was captured by the local press who had been following the story. They came face to face in front of the camera in a relaxed and easy snap.

Reproduced Courtesy of the Townsville Bulletin.

Over the next few weeks their time was spent together sightseeing and meeting Xenia’s friends. It became obvious to friends and family that not only did they share the same father, but they also shared a number of traits, ultimately some of these traits rubbed each other up the wrong way and they got on each other's nerves, after 2 weeks together they decided that it would be wise to get a bit of space from each other, or there might be a murder!

Pat flew to the Gold Coast where he joined Peter and me for the remainder of the holiday. 

They kept in contact on the phone and Xenia decided that she would visit her daughter Sharon , who stayed near Brisbane, and this would allow her to see him again before he went home to Scotland. I am a naturally inquisitive person and always been very interested in genealogy, so when Xenia, arrived with her daughter, Sharon and grandchildren Chris and Nicky at our apartment on the Gold Coast in January 2005, I asked her if I could investigate her family tree and look into what had happened to the trust which had been set up on her father’s death, she said that I could if I wished, but that she thought that I was wasting my time, she was not likely to be lucky enough to have anything of interest for me to find out, I felt otherwise, something told me that there was a story waiting to unfold!!

Xenia, Alex and Pat, January 2005, Gold Coast, Australia.


Seskinore Revisited.

I had made some enquiries at the Omagh library regarding the McClintock family and had been given the name of a local historian Dr. Haldane Mitchell who had written books on the local area and prominent families of which the McClintock’s were one, he had known of her existence and was determined to find out what had become of her, he had over the years been in contact with different members of the McClintock family, but they could not tell him anything about where she may be, she had just vanished.

After speaking to Dr. Mitchell, I had a gut feeling that there was something not quite right with the way in which her estate had been managed by her trustee. I asked Xenia if she would allow me to make enquiries on her behalf. She laughed and said, that I could do whatever I wanted, but she did not think that there was going to be anything much to find.


I sent an email to PRONI asking if there were any files relating to the Seskinore estate and the McClintocks, my email was answered by Marion Molloy who informed me that there were a number of references to the McClintocks, shortly after this my mum and I visited PRONI, we naively thought that the 2 days we had in Belfast would be adequate to allow us to look through the information at PRONI we quickly realised our mistake when the boxes arrived from the storage facility.

The records were fascinating they ranged from a family scrapbook with some photos and news clippings bringing Xenia’s family alive, there were several boxes full of Land registry deeds which showed the extent of the McClintock estate up until the time of her grandfather Col. J.K. McClintock, Marion suggested that a visit to the Land Registry to search the names of the people that we knew had owned the land at Seskinore namely Xenia’s grandfather, mother, father, and her trustee, Thomas Frederick Maddocks. 

The search at the Land Registry revealed that a deed had been registered in 1952 appointing new trustees it listed a schedule of the real estate held in trust under the terms of Tony’s will. A further search of the names of the new trustees was required to show what deeds if any had been registered by them, this search showed that the trustees had sold property but even allowing for this, I believed that there were residual properties still remaining of the Seskinore estate. 

I contacted the company that the former trustees had worked with, the trustees were not only her trustees but also her solicitors, initially the firm claimed that they did not have any files relating to Xenia Joynson-Wreford/Lewis or the Seskinore Estate, they maintained that no files would have been kept by them for this length of time,

I phoned them several times and managed to escalate my inquiry to a higher level, I explained that I had a deed form the registry of deeds in Northern Ireland which clearly showed that there had to be deeds relating to property owned by Xenia Joynson-Wreford, which had been executed by their firm. Eventually another search of their storage facilities was carried out, and a file was found for ‘Xenia (Lewis) Joynson-Wreford/Seskinore Estate’,

My mum and I flew to London and collected the file from the Solicitors, we found a deed executed by Xenia’s original trustee Thomas Frederick Maddocks appointing the new trustees to real estate of the Seskinore estate, it contained the trust documents and deeds, along with a photograph of Xenia, taken at the time of her 21st birthday (below). 


Xenia, aged 21.

There were deeds for properties that had been sold in the village even after Xenia had attained her majority on the 3rd of Aug 1956. The Lawyers in London were unwilling to accept any responsibility, or give any help to sort things out, they said that we could not make any claim against them, as with the passage of time, it would be time barred now!


After numerous trip to PRONI and The land Registry in Belfast, I had gathered up a lot of archive material, old deeds, maps and lots of miscellaneous material, which I had then to study and build a picture of what the Seskinore estate had been made up of and how that had gradually been reduced in time to encompass the property that Xenia had inherited by way of the trust that should have been explained to her and settled on her attaining her majority of 21 years on 3rd Aug 1956, which her Trustees had neglected to do.


Using the deeds and maps from PRONI and The Land registry, I was able to identify the residual properties, and by August 2007, the Voluntary Registration was completed in Xenia’s name.

I was fortunate to have advice from my friend Caroline James, a Solicitor, specialising in Land Law, Caroline kept me right all along the way with the issues that arose with the former trustees, and navigated me along the way to identify the residual property of the Seskinore estate.

Tyrone Constitution, 6th of October 2005

Seskinore Revisited


In September 2005 Xenia, came with her daughter Sharon, her husband Ron and 2 grandchildren Christopher and Nicky, the family stayed with my mum and dad, who had more room for them and Xenia stayed with Peter and I, we had meals together and they did quite a bit of travelling sightseeing during the day, we had planned to go to Seskinore together. Pat, Xenia and I went a day earlier, so that the family could do some things that they wanted to do in Scotland, and they came over with Peter the next day. I had booked my car on the morning ferry and we made good time stopping on the way at Dungannon for something to eat, the last few miles to Seskinore, was made in silence, road signs signalled that we were nearly there. We had booked into Greenmount B&B, for our visit, we went directly thereafter driving around the perimeter of Seskinore estate and through the village.

We were warmly met at Greenmount, by Louie Reid, and a short time later, her son Henry popped in to see us, he is a great font of local knowledge and keen historian, he proved to be indispensable on our visit and arranged for us to meet some lovely people. In preparation for tis visit, I had been in contact with Dr Haldane Mitchell, a local historian, he had very kindly organized things in Seskinore for us to see, and people to meet, this included members of Seskinore Community Group, who met us on arrival at Seskinore we passed the entrance gateposts to the estate which were are resplendently topped with statues of the McClintock Lion, several members of the community were waiting to welcome us at the entrance to the courtyard where Xenia had played as a child. We heard stories about her family, one of the men recalled the time her grandfather took her to see the horses in the stables, another recollection was of festivities held to commemorate the King’s Coronation on 12th May 1937, when she accompanied her father in his sports car, a blue SS Jaguar 100, the boys in the village were more impressed with Captain. Wreford’s car which had a Union flag on the side.


Tony Joynson-Wrefords's SS Jaguar 100, parked under the porte cochère, c.1937.

As we approached the site of the house, it was clear to see where the turning circle for the carriages had been an that helps to place the exact spot of where the house once sat, you can picture the horse drawn carriages pulling up under the Port-Cochere and the guests being welcomed for social events being held in the house. 

The walled garden has survived although it is now looking rather sad and neglected, no longer fulfilling the purpose for which it was intended, it once produced fruit and vegetables to feed the occupants of the house.

In front of the walled garden, we, were told how to get to the Garden of Remembrance, we took a path into the forest, where a short distance away, we saw the fence line of the garden, as we approached, silence descended, there was a quiet, comfortable, almost tangible feeling of being enveloped by the forest, like being in another world and space, with the sounds of the birds and the soft tread of the forest underfoot. We walked up the stone steps, and in front of us lay moss covered stones, at the head of these were the gravestones of Tony and Leila Joynson-Wreford. The representatives from the village came to the Garden of Remembrance to meet us and escort us back to the car park,  and arrangements were made to go to the Chapel of Ease, On the walk back to the car park I said to Xenia, that I would catch up as I wanted to return to the garden of remembrance, Xenia joined me, we walked back in silence, once at the grave side I knelt down beside Tony and Leila’s grave and said:


‘I have brought your little girl home’.

Dr. Mitchell had given me the telephone number of a Mr. Francis, who was keen to show Xenia, the Church at Donacavey, where there are memorial tablets on the walls to the Eccles family and also a portrait of her 2 x Great grandfather, Charles Eccles Esq., of Ecclesville JP. DL. It was quite remarkable, there was an uncanny resemblance to Xenia's youngest son Michael. The portrait although in poor condition, with damp and mould, was a lovely piece of work, on the back of the frame written in chalk was 'Captain Wreford'.

Mr Francis said that he hoped that the portrait could be given to her as it was a family portrait.


The Seskinore community group hosted a night to welcome Xenia and her family to the village, it was held in the McClintock Primary School, which had been built by Xenia's grandfather in 1900. That same night, Mr Francis, gave her the portrait of Charles Eccles, Peter and I, managed to clean it and took it to Xenia in Australia, later that year, when we went in December.

That night at the school, Xenia was approached by a representative of the Education Board, who asked if she would meet with them, to talk about renewing the lease of the school site. We had been expecting contact at some point as I had identified this property in my preliminary search and believed that she still owned it. It was held under a 99year lease, dating from her grandfather’s time, which was shortly due to expire.

Xenia asked me to deal with this and I worked with a land agent from Belfast to negotiate a new lease, at the same time I was working to voluntary register Xenia’s title with the land Registry in Belfast. After completing the registration of the property, a new lease was agreed, this provided Xenia with a fair market rental income. Her father’s legacy was fulfilled.

Above left, McClintock Primary School. Right. Mr Riddell, presented Xenia with a photograph of Seskinore house, framed in wood that came from a floor board from the house.


During the visit to Seskinore and Fintona we heard stories of family members in particular Xenia’s grandmother’s cousin,

Raymond Saville Conolly de Montmorency Lecky Browne-Lecky, Raymond was the last of the family to live in Ecclesville house, described as 'theatrical', 'flamboyant' and was 'often seen in Fintona and Omagh in the back of his chauffeur driven two toned car he wore a velvet cloak and hat with jewellery on his person'.

A scrapbook of Raymond’s deposited at PRONI shows that he was a very colourful character, he used his talent for performing to raise money for the poor and victims of the Titanic disaster he was a described as an “actor-musician and notable female impersonator” he was also known as 'TIBBY'. 

Raymond died in 1960 in his will he left a portrait of 'Mrs. McClintock' (which I believe was either by: Giovanni Costa or John da Costa, it appears in an inventory of Seskinore Lodge from 1914) to her grand-daughter Xenia, unfortunately this never reached its beneficiary and recent searches have proved futile. I had another funny feeling in my gut, that something was maybe not quite right with Raymond's estate, and started digging around, when I was at PRONI, looking into the Seskinore estate.

28th of October 2006

I wanted to erect a sign in the Garden of Remembrance, I thought that it would be good to let people who use the park for walking, know why the gravestones were there, it was also an opportunity to let Pat and Xenia do something together, they paid for the sign, which was designed, by a friend of mine, Jim Kelly. Jim had been, touched by the story, and when I told him that I would like to erect a sign, he said that he would love to design it, he did a lovely job, it is quite simple and has an interlaced chain of L & T (for Leila & Tony), separating the story from the Ancestry diagram. In October 2006, my mum, dad, Peter, and I, travelled over with cement, shovels, brushes, and lots of other tools, just in case. On the 28th of Oct, my dad, with a little help, dug the holes and in no time, the job was done. 


On the 2nd of June 2008. Xenia, Pat, and I, returned to stay at Greenmount Lodge for 5 days, firstly, we met up with Lisa Morgan and Roisin Anagnostides, I been working with them over the last couple of years, to identify and register the residual estate. 

Then we drove to Seskinore to visit the forest and Garden of Remembrance, we needed to get the car as close as possible for Pat to get out, he had, had a stroke in 2006 which left him a bit unstable and unable to walk a great distance. They were both really pleased with the sign, also the gates, which had been renewed with a galvanised aluminium set, and a replacement sign, 

'Please Knock'

That night after dinner, Xenia, and myself, went back to clean the McClintock family memorials at the Chapel of Ease, working until it was way after dark.  

We received a phone call from Marion at PRONI, to advise that BBC Ni had asked if they could visit Xenia at Seskinore, to record her visit for Family Focus, a short program hosted by Sarah Travers, Xenia agreed. We unfortunately, did not have enough time to do it this trip, so we agreed to film some of it at PRONI, which we were going to before we went back to Scotland, we had arranged a visit to meet Marion Molloy, and other members of PRONI who had been instrumental in unfolding the story, and we agreed to come back in a couple of weeks. Xenia had her son, Michael arriving in a weeks' and they were going on a road trip, which was to include going to Seskinore. Xenia asked me to join them for the trip to Seskinore.

Alex, Pat, Xenia, Marion & Valerie at PRONI, 6th June 2008.

After Xenia and Michael leave us to go on their road trip, I contacted Xenia's cousin, Sir David Stewart, 7th Bart, of Athenree, he was really keen for Xenia to visit him in Curry Rivel. I got Xenia on the phone, but by this time they had driven a few hours passed where David stayed, but they decided to turn back. David is the same age as Xenia, just a few months older, his mother, Molly Peacocke, a cousin of Leila's, when she separated from her husband George, she went to live in Seskinore house with her son and daughter for several years, until her Uncle Jack McClintock, died, when they moved into a house in Omagh. Molly took over as Captain of the Seskinore Harriers after his death and housed the hounds at her home.

David, has so many family stories and also had lots of photos and memorabilia, scrapbooks, it all brings the family to life and he and his wife Bridget made them so welcome.

Xenia with her cousin, David (Sir David Stewart, 7th Bart, of Athenree, Co. Tyrone) and Oofie.

Xenia encouraged Pat to look for his sisters from his mother’s marriage to Keddey Fletcher, he had met them once before in Hyde park, London, whilst on an errand for his mother.

He was anxious about whether they would want to know him. as he believed that they could have tried to contact their mother or himself if they had wished, but had not done so, however amongst Olive’s personal photos we discovered a photograph of his eldest sister Pat, on her wedding day to Edward Asa Thomas in 1940, there was another of Barbara with her baby daughter Dawn.

So, it seems Olive had maintained some sort of contact, or at least had managed to keep an eye on her daughters over the years from afar, but she did not share this information with Pat. This only further added to his apprehension about whether they would want to hear from him or not, but with Xenia reassuring him that he should try and heal the wounds, he wrote to his family (we had found a contact for a niece, via an online search). Initially there was no response, but after some time, he received a phone call from his niece, Dawn. She had only just been informed by her cousin, who had received the letter, and decided that she did not want to do anything about it, but eventually, had told her sister, who lives in New York about it, and she immediately contacted Dawn, who was excited and wanted to talk to him.

Pat was going to Hastings, Sussex for a holiday at this time, Dawn lives close by and she met him for lunch, they got on like a house on fire, both had the same sense of humour and were immediately comfortable with each other, they quickly formed a close friendship. They managed to get together a few times, both in Scotland and Sussex, Pat had a new zest for life. Dawn believes that her it was her step grandmother, Keddey's 2nd wife, Beatrice Bird, who had sent Olive the photographs of her daughters, she said that she remembers her feeling that Olive had been harshly treated by Keddey.

Pat, Dawn and woofs.



Unfortunately, we realised that something was wrong in the spring of 2012, he was due to come to our house for afternoon tea, but didn't appear, we left it a short time and when we phoned him, he said that he was in the car, but couldn't seem to find the way (he had driven past the turn in the road to come to our house and kept on driving, he was lost and now quite a distance away). We tried to direct him, but that just made it worse, eventually we told him to stop driving and stay where he was, we would go to him and get him home, unfortunately the following week this happened again, but he did not answer the phone when we called, and it was quite some time later before he called to apologise and said that he had got lost but had managed to get home.


Pat was never late for anything; he would turn up at our house and sit in the car until exactly 1 minute before he was expected and press the bell on the dot.


It was obvious to us that something was wrong, I spoke to him about it and he agreed to see his GP with me present, this was to lead to a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease in May 2012. He was given medication to try, which seemed to help, and he managed to keep going, he was keen to see Xenia again and go back to Seskinore, and so in the August, he brought her over from Australia, xenia stayed with Peter and myself for just over 6 weeks, and we all went to Seskinore for 5 days, with hindsight that was not the best thing to do, it was quite stressful for us all, being away from his familiar surroundings and routine, was not ideal, but we managed to get through it.


That same trip Xenia and I also went to Surrey, where we met up with some of her cousins, that we had been corresponding with, they were so pleased to meet her after all this time, Julia Chessun nee Mathews (daughter of Celeste Ray) and her husband Stewart, had organized a large family get together, and we had a perfect day with them sharing family stories and all the made us feel so welcome. Julia had some wonderful portraits and photographs of the family and it was wonderful to see them, she allowed me to upload them and make them available on this site, where they can be seen in the McClintock photo album.


We caught the train to Bristol, where we were met by Xenia's cousin David Stewart, we stayed with David and his wife Bridget for a few days which was incredibly special, David had arranged a family get together too and another perfect day was enjoyed by all, such happy memories were made, David too has some wonderful family photographs and memorabilia, that can also be seen in the McClintock photo album. 


Xenia said that she was thinking of selling the school and asked me to find out what it would be likely to achieve at sale.  She had brought this up before, not long after the lease was agreed in 2007, at that time, and what I still believe, was that apart from the historical connection with her family, I felt that what she was getting a good income from the rent, and that unless she really needed the money, which was after all something she hadn't had before, and didn't even know that she owned, if I was in her situation I would hold on to it. But I would ask the agent for her. 


I was told that property value had decreased general due to the economic downturn, but that would not deter an investor who was prepared to see it as a future development. It was at this point that I decided that it was time for me to stand back, I had loved being involved and all the research that I had done, was truly an amazing project to be part of. I had successfully attended to all the legal and research that had been necessary to get the title in order, but it was time now for Xenia and her family to take responsibility, it was after all their family business, and if anything happened to her, they would need to get involved. I gave her copies of all the information, title etc and informed the Land agent in Belfast, that I would no longer be the managing the property, it would be Mrs Lewis in future.


After she returned to Australia, she kept in contact, but less so than before, I kept her up to date with how Pat was keeping, he had fallen in the October at home, and fractured his hip, unfortunately, he was assessed by occupational therapy as unsuitable to be on his own, and in January 2013, was moved permanently to Westerton Care Home, in Bearsden, where he was happy. He kept reasonably good health for the remainder of his life, the main problem was that the bladder cancer was spreading. 


In 2018/19, Xenia disposed of the school, and so after nearly 300 years, the site in the heart of the village was sold by a descendant of the Perry-McClintocks.

Pat peacefully passed away, aged 87, on the 19th of August 2015, he had come to know his father through the journey that had started, when he went looking for more information about him in 2004. He was quite unprepared for the emotional journey that he was about to uncover, but through it, he came to understand that there was more to him than he had been told by his mother, who had been very bitter towards her ex-husband. This had in turn shaped his own opinion of the father he had not known but faced with the information that he had recently come to feel that he had been a caring and sensitive man, who he had wished that he had, had the opportunity know.


Pat wished to be cremated, and for his ashes to be taken and buried at Seskinore next to his father's grave in the garden of remembrance. We promised to do this for him, so on the 29th of May 2016, Peter and I returned to Seskinore to carry out his wishes, we placed a memorial stone close to his father’s gravestone, we emailed photographs to Xenia and Dawn to let them know that we had fulfilled Pat's wishes. Sadly, that was the last contact we had with Xenia, she never replied and has just vanished out of our lives.

I wish to thank the Deputy Keeper of the Records, Public Record Office of Northern Ireland who has kindly granted permission allowing cuttings/extracts from albums D/568, D/1385/3 and D/1711/2 held at PRONI, to be reproduced on this site and especially thank you to all the staff at PRONI, for their assistance in researching the McClintock of Seskinore story.


I am eternally grateful to my friend Caroline James, who specialises in commercial and property Law, Caroline kept me right, dealing with the issues that arose with the former trustees, and navigated me along the way to identify the residual property of the Seskinore estate. Thank you to my family and friends for putting up with me along the way, it got very intense at times.


With thanks to the late Julia Chessun nee. Mathews, the late Sir. David Stewart of Athenree, the late Mervyn Hervey Knox-Browne, and Patrick Thompson for permitting the use of their family photographs and archive material on this site.