Alex Watson is a researcher and genealogist, based in Glasgow, Scotland, I hope that you find this website informative, it is an ongoing project, based on the research that I started, in 2004, on behalf of my friend Patrick Joynson-Wreford, it will continue to be updated as more information becomes available.

Please get in touch if you want to ask questions or need some help, also if you have any information, stories, photographs, etc, that you want to share.

The Manor of Fentonagh


John, Edmond and Daniel Leigh, three brothers, came to Ulster under the auspices of Sir Henry Bagenall. (Captain Edmond Leigh was appointed sheriff in 1607 of the fort of Omagh). Edmond died in 1608, the lands granted to the two remaining brothers were those that had belonged to the abbey of Omey which were not known as such by the surveyors of 1608 and 1609. Hence the allotment of these lands to undertakers. The Leighs stated, in a memorial, that "some parcels of their lands had, by the oversight of the King's Surveyors, been included in the grants to undertakers. which, however, they [the Leighs] were willing to resign, rather than disturb the said undertakers." The King was so impressed with this profession of readiness to suffer loss in the great plantation cause, that he ordered Chichester to re-grant to the Leighs all their other lands on their own terms. The undertakers who had thus got portions of the lands belonging to the Leighs were Sir John Davys, Sir Thomas Boyd, Mr. Clephane, George Hamilton, and the bishop of Derry. 


Vol. 630, p. 112.

  1. A Brief Note of such Suits as John [and Daniel] Leigh, of the Fort Omagh, in the county of Tyrone, have to be Petitioners for unto the King.
  2. That the King will grant him his letters to the Lord Deputy for the command of the ward of the said fort which now they have, to be held by letters patent from the King during their lives and the longest liver of them, in consideration of their long service in those parts.
  3. That the King shall allow the said John Leigh a reason-able consideration for building the said fort, in regard it is made in a place of such strength and importance, for his service in those parts, that it is most meet it should be the King's and not a subject's. There hath been an estimate of the charge for building thereof already certified to their Lordships by the Deputy, by which the King will save at the least 1,000 marks English. It is estimated at £800 English by the Deputy when it is fully finished, and £200 will not finish what is yet intended to be done to it, and the finishing thereof is at this instant in doing. It is desired that £250 be now paid towards the great charge it hath cost. And for the rest we will be content to receive payment in Ireland out of the King's rents in the north, or otherwise as it shall please the Deputy to appoint the Lo. Treasurer to make payment for it.
  4. That the King will be pleased to authorise the Lo. Deputy to assign the said John Leigh such valuable quantity of the land in Tyrone lately escheated as in his discretion shall be thought fit, in exchange for so much of the said John Leigh's land next adjoining the fort as shall be thought meet by his Lordship to be annexed for ever to the said fort for the use and benefit of the constable and the wards thereof after the decease of the said John Leigh and his brother Daniel Leigh.
  5. The said John Leigh makes further suit, that in regard of the remoteness of that fort from other places of succour for travellers, if is thereby a place of very extra-ordinary charge in receiving and giving entertainment daily unto all men of quality who pass to and fro that way; and, besides, divers times in the year, both the judges of assize who ride that circuit, and other Commissioners sent upon occasion of the King's service unto those parts, are by him entertained and lodged. In consideration whereof it may please the King to allow the commander of that fort five shillings English by the day for himself, he having none but three shillings English, which is a very small allowance for a place of such daily charge. This, if it please your Lordships to consider, will, it is hoped, be thought very reasonable both in regard of the petitioner's desert and his brothers, for their long service, and also for the great charge they live at there. Lastly, as in a place of such importance there is yet neither a porter nor a canonnier allowed, the King may be likewise pleased, both for the better enablement and safety of that place, to give allowance for them at such rates of entertainment as they usually have in the King's other forts in that kingdom, of like strength and importance.

Copy. P. 1.


Calendar of the state papers, relating to Ireland, of the reign of James I. 1603-1625. 

In 1610, John Leigh was granted 2000 acres to be erected into the manor of Fentonagh, in the Precinct of Clogher.

  1. Grant to John Leigh (28), gent. The large proportion of Fentonagh (29), containing

Leggetiggill, one balliboe; Ballinemullan, one balliboe; Killelussie, one balliboe; Townagheitra,

one balliboe; Shragduffgawra, one balliboe; Garowry, one balliboe; Ballineskelgie, one balliboe;

Tooughgorrhan, one balliboe; Edentooderry, one balliboe; Lackaboy, one balliboe; Tiregrenan,

one balliboe; Tonnoghonewe, one balliboe; Tatmoyle, one balliboe; Correceskan, one balliboe;

Syonhugh, one balliboe; Tollenshee, one balliboe; Corbally, one balliboe; Drumhurke, one

balliboe; Shraghmaske, one balliboe; Mullasilloge, one balliboe; Kilberry, one balliboe;

Dromlaghan, one balliboe; Skegagowre, one balliboe; Derriaghna, one balliboe; Mullanedrymon, one balliboe; Ardtonny, one balliboe; Aghebrassill, one balliboe; Tatfadda, one balliboe; Townaghbane, one balliboe Ravarran, one balliboe; Edenesoppe, one balliboe; Lissnegorduffe, one balliboe; Tatecrewe, one balliboe; 1/5 of the balliboe of Gargrame; and Corglasse, one balliboe; in all, 2,000 acres. Rent, £10. 13s. 4d. English.

The premises erected into the manor of Fentonagh, With 600 acres in demesne, and a court baron. To hold forever, as of the castle of Dublin, in common socage [1610].

See Inquisitions of Ulster, Tyrone (38) Car. l.


(28). John Leigh.- This gentleman was one of three brothers well known in connection with the history of that period in Ulster, or strictly speaking in Tyrone. He must have purchased this proportion from Sir Francis Willoughby at an early date, as the latter had Possession probably before he had got out a patent. Willoughby was one of the earliest undertakers to get his


(29). Fentonagh.- This proportion occupies on the map the whole north-western corner of the barony or precinct of Clogher. Its Shape is distinctly triangular; and its surface appears unencumbered alike with wood or bog. There are discrepancies in the spelling of several denominational names in the above grant, as they appear on the map and in the inquisition from which we have quoted. The time that had elapsed between 1609 and the 38th of Charles l. may have introduced most of these orthographical varieties.


Hill, G. (2004). Names in the Land Grants in Northern Ireland: From the Plantation of Ulster. United States: Irish Genealogical Foundation.

1610, Undertakers allotted as part of the Plantation of Ireland:


To the Commissioners for the plantation of the Escheated (confiscated) Lands in Ulster.


(b) Precinct of Clogher (Co. Tyrone).

The Assignation of the landes of the Precincte of Clogher, made

unto several undertakers by the right honourable the Lord Audeley, to

whome the orderinge of that Precincte is allotted.


Sir Thomas Ridgeway

Portclare & Ballykeirgire 


Thomas Roche of Essex Esq. 

Ballmecowley & Balliranell


Mr.  Francis Willoughby Son to 



George Ridgwaie



William Parsones Survaior



Wm Orley gent

Dirribard & Killarie


Capt Edney & his brother

Thomas Edney



William Turvyne gent






30 Aprilis 1610

I have made choise of the persons above named, whom I thinke

to be of sufficient abilitie to undertake the said severall quantities of

land, which I desire the Commissioners for the plantation to see indifferently

sett out, soe as evrie of them maie take his portion by lott or agreement.

Theis are to require you to make several particulers in due forme

of the proportions above written for the several persons above named,

Incerting in the particular made for Sir Thomas Ridgway, the Advowson of the

Church, wherein the proportion assigned to him or the greatest

Parte thereof lieth with the rente answerable for evrie proportion

By the Articles of Plantation, excepting the gleabe lands which are

To be allotted to the Incumbentes with such other circumstances,

As are fit to be remembered touching the same. And to ingrosse

it in parchment under your hand, to be sent to the Commissioners for Irishe

causes, to thend it maie be examined by them, and after dellivred

unto us, that thereupon direcon maie be geven for pasinge of the same

by Ires pattentes accordingly.

Signed by the earle of Salisbury.



Moody, T. (1938). Ulster Plantation Papers. Analecta Hibernica, (8), 179-297. Retrieved February 3, 2021, from

Rev. George Hill writes in the 'Plantation Papers: Containing a summary sketch of the Great Ulster Plantation in the year 1610' 'The Commissioners found in this barony or precinct of Clogher only 12,500 acres or arable land, which they marked off into ten proportions - seven small, one middle, and two great. These proportions were soon afterwards allotted to the following eight English undertakers, viz:- 

Sir Thomas Ridgeway, Knight; John Leigh, gentleman; Walter and Thomas Edney, Esqrs.; George Ridgeway, gentleman; William parsons, Esq.; William Turvin gentleman; Edward Kingswell.; and William Glegge, gentleman.' 

Hill then goes on to write that:- 

'When the above named planters had been in possession of their several estates in Clogher for a year, Sir George Carew made the following report 'Sir Francis Willoughby, Knight [who sold out to John Leigh], 2000 acres; has taken possession personally'. 


'John Leigh was an engineer by profession, and came to Ulster with the Earl of Essex in 1571. Before the time of the Plantation he had visited many localities in this province as an engineer, and knew many of its leading Irish inhabitants. he appears to have bought the proportion of Fintona from Sir Francis Willoughby even before the latter had taken out a patent, for the grant was made in Leigh's own name.' 


Hill, G., Northern whig. (1889). Plantation papers: containing a summary sketch of the great Ulster plantation in the year 1610. Belfast.

17th Century Barony Maps c.1609 - The Baronie of the Omey. 

(From collection of maps of escheated counties of Ireland)

PRONI Ref: T1652/17

1) The Manor of Fentonagh contained an alleged 2,000 acres (in fact it exceeded many times this extent) in the southern part of the parish (barony Of Clogher). John Leigh, an English adventurer, who served in Elizabeth's wars against the Irish, bought this estate from the first grantee, Sir Francis Willoughby.

Leigh, by 1619, had built here "a bawn of lyme and stone, with two flankers; and a good, large stone house within it, in which he dwelleth(57). This was evidently the first Plantation house at

Castletown. erected on the old O'Neill site.

The English surveyor of the Ulster Plantation, Captain Pynnar, saw the beginnings of the new Fintona here in 1619, when he states that "near unto this (i.e. John Leigh's) bawn there is a small village consisting of eight houses” (58). It already had a total of forty-one British families settled here then. Twenty-one Of them were cottagers and Pynnar adds that "Each of these has a house and garden plot, most of them two acres, besides commons for cattle" (59).

A survey of 1622 describes some additions to Leigh's new home since Pynnar's visit:


A good dwelling house of stone, wherein himself (Leigh) and his familie inhabite. About it there is a bawne of stone and lyme, 93 foot square, 12 foot high, With three flanckers and a good gate to the said bawne. There is a base court enclosed with a rampart of sods before his house” (60).


(57). 265, 543. Re frauds in the Ulster Plantation, cf. Hill, op. Cit., passim, e.g. 'This large precinct or barony (of Omagh) contains no less than 224,674 acres, and it was handed over to five undertakers, who are represented as having had only 11,000 acres distributed amongst them all!" (p. 268, note 43).

(58). Ibid, 543.

(59). Ibid, 544.

(60). Treadwell, “The Survey of Armagh and Tyrone, 1622”, UJA (1964), 156.

Gallachair, P. (1970). The Parish of Donaghcavey. Clogher Record, 7(2), 251-320. doi:10.2307/27695649

The Leigh Baronetcy, of Tyrone, was created in the Baronetage of Ireland for Sir Daniel Leigh in February 1622. Daniel married Mary (reputed to be the daughter of John Stanton), they had a son; Arthur and daughter Mary, married George Arundell.


John Leigh died c.1631, administration of his estate was granted on the 20th February 1631, to Ellis Crompton, his brother Daniel inherited the manor of Fentonagh.


John Leigh's Letters Patent refer to the Fentonagh lands as Castleleigh (below), they were confirmed or regranted on 6th August 1632, original document was submitted with the Abstract of Title paperwork in 1913, to the Land Commission and is archived at PRONI LR1/296/1/13 (below).

Above; Names of some of the Balliboes are clear.

Below; 'Johannes Leigh' and 'CastleLeigh'

Arthur Leigh married Elizabeth Ryves, daughter of Sir William Ryves & Miss Jackman (d. 8th Nov 1624), of Dublin and Rathsallagh, Co. Wicklow, (Sir William Ryves, was a cousin of Lucy Mervyn, wife of George Tuchet, 1st Earl Castlehaven, through his mother, Elizabeth Mervyn, daughter of Sir John Ma(e)rvyn, of Fonthill Gifford, Wilts & Jane Baskerville).


Sir Daniel died c.1633,  Administration was granted to his son, Arthur Leigh, Bart. on 1st February 1633.*  Arthur died in 1638 without issue and the title became extinct on his death.


The Leigh's lands, known as Castleleigh or Manor of Fentonagh, passed from Sir Daniel Leigh to his son Arthur, it seems that there was a liferent over part of the lands payable to Sir Daniel's widow; Dame Mary Leigh, presumably as part of a jointure settlement, as a loss of money from the lands are referred to in a petition by Dame Mary leigh in 1646 (see below).


  • 1638, 30 July, Sir Arthur Leigh of Fentonagh (deceased) in co Tyrone Knt & Bart, wife Lady Elizabeth, John Leigh.*(will dated 27 Feb 1635).
  • 1638, 19/27 Sep, Elizabeth Leigh of Rathsallagh (widow) married John Bingley Esq., of Dublin, an agreement survives from 1639 (M6956/13, NAI, see below) relating to the intermarriage of John Bingley and Dame Elizabeth Leigh, in which mention is made of Lady Grey otherwise Bingley, Lady Grey (Elizabeth Neville) was the second wife of Sir John Bingley (c.1572–1638), Comptroller of the Musters and Cheques for Ireland. Sir John and his first wife Ann Henshaw had a daughter, she was known as Jane, but referred to in his will (Betham's transcript 1638) as "Flower" this is also her maternal grandmother's name, Flower Goldsborough. Jane married, William Brabazon, 1st Earl of Meath. 

Sir John Bingley, Knt

28 March 1638, 17 Nov/d

Wife Elizabeth

only son John

daur Flower

gdson John Bingley son of John

5th Dec 1639

This assurance is taken

in Y hand of me Sir Wm.

Ryves to Y use of the

La: Grey also Bingley &

of my Sonn in Law John

Bingley and Dame Eliz

abeth his wife according

to the certain articles of

agreement made between

Ye Dame Lady Grey and

John Bingley of Y one part

and Y said Sir Wm Ryves

of Y other part on

Y Intermarriage of the

said John Bingley and Y said

Dame Elizabeth


Y Testator

Wm Ryves

  • Easter 1642, Death of Captain John Bingly in Ireland, husband of Dame Mary Leigh.
  • 1642, Marriage of Dame Mary Leigh or Bingly to Captain John Cheswis (of Nantwich, Cheshire?).
  • 1645, Death of Captain John Cheswis in the Civil War.
  • 1645, Oct 2. Payd to Lady Leigh by order from Consell of Warr & Deputie leftenents in pt of 50 li [£50] pr annum allowed her by the sayd Consell beinge for captn Cheswis arrers her husband & [who] was slayn in the Parliaments service £2 (
  • 1646, 23 Dec, The Humble petition of Dame Mary Leigh, Widdow [sic] late wife and now relict of Captain John Bingly, deceased. (Mention of loss of money from Rathsallagh, Co. Wicklow and Fentonagh, Co. Tyrone).
  • 1647, 10 March, Death of Sir Wm Ryves of Dublin & Rathsallagh, wife Dorothy, son Charles, daur Dame Elizabeth Leigh.
  • c.1638-1654 Death of John Bingley Esq., husband of Dame Elizabeth Leigh and father of Dorothea.
  • c.1654, Marriage of Dame Elizabeth Leigh or Bingley to Alderman William Smy(i)th of Dublin.
  • 1654, Anne Arundell (granddaughter of Sir Daniel & Dame Mary Leigh) married to Edward Fitch, London, St Botolph Without Bishopsgate.
  • 1654-56 Civil Survey of Ireland.
  • Parish of Dunocavie, Church Lands Ye See of Clogher: Alderman Smith of Dublin by his Lady, ye Lady Leigh English Protestant.
  • Barony of Strabane, parish of Cappy: The Heyrs of Sr. Daniell Liegh English Prottestantt.[sic] 



Name of the Leasee &c

Denomination of land

Number of Acres &c

Land Profittable

Land Unprofittable

Bpps rent in Anno 1640

Alderman Smith of Dublin by his Lady, ye Lady Leigh English Protestant




Ravarron four towne lands

Two hundred Acres


Meadow –  020

Arable –     120

Pasture -    010



 & Bogg   - 050

12 : - : -

Totall -


200 Acres

150 : - : -

50 : - : -

12 : - : -



Name of the Proprietor &c

Denomination of land

Number of Acres &c

Land Profittable

Land Unprofittable

Crowne rent in Anno 1640

Willm Smith Alderman of Dublin & the Lady Ley his wife English Protestants




Lackagh boy four towne land

Two hundred & forty


Arrable –    060

Pasture -    060

Barren/         090


Bogg     -       030

02 : 13 : 04








Seanew in all eight towne lands

Four hundred and thirtie


Meadow –  024

Arable –     110

Pasture -    115

Mountaine -  100

Bogg             081

05 : 06 : 08    








Corriesk in all eight towne lands

Five hundred and fiftie five acres

Meadow –  022

Arable –     120

Pasture -    113

Mountaine   -190

Bogg            -110

05 : 06 : 08    










Gargrim in all nine towne lands & one third

Five hundred and fifty seaven acres

Meadow –  034

Arable –     161

Pasture -    138


Mountaine -  097

Bogg     -       030

06 : 04 : 05



1682 Acres

960 : - : -

722 : - : -

19 : 11 : 01




Name of the proprietors & theire quallificacons [sic]

Denomination of land

Number of Acres by Estimate of ye Countrey

Land profitable & the quantity of itt[sic]

Land Unprofitable & waste

Vallew of theise lands in the yeare 1640.

The Heyrs of Sr. Daniell Liegh English Prottestantt [sic]

Shirrygrum & Lissnammallogh by estimate one balliboe & one third being Abby land

Sixty six  - 66

Arable –  40

Pasture - 16

Bogg and mountayne  - 10

08 – 00 - 00






08 – 00 - 00

The Civil Survey A.D. 1654–56 counties of Donegal Londonderry and Tyrone vol. iii with the returns of church lands for the three counties, (10 vols 1931–61)

  • 1655, May 24, John Farrar/Ferrer, and Dame Dorothy Reeves his wife, to William Smith and Elizabeth Leigh his wife. Assignment of mortgage. Dame Dorothy is the widow of the original mortgagee and Elizabeth Leigh is his daughter, NAI, M6956 (13 & 14).
  • 1658, 20 Jan, death of  'Mary Cheshwis relict of John C. Esq and formerly Dame Mary Leigh relict of Sir Daniel Leigh of Omagh in co Tyrone Bart'. John Leigh Esq. grandchild Anne (Arundell) wife of Edward Fitch.*
  • 1659, The Manor of Fintona was acquired in 1659 by Gilbert Eccles of Shannock, Co Fermanagh; Indenture of Fine. plt. Gilbert Eccles, Shannock, Co. Fermanagh. dft. Arthur Meredith. Manor of Fintona, Co. Tyrone. (PRONI D1048/1)
  • 1662, 20 Oct, John Bingley Esq., Dublin, Administration granted to Dorothea Bingley the lawful daughter.*
  • 1668, Dame Mary Leigh, is recorded in a legal document (Sparrow v Chadwick) as widow of James Chadwick of Inner Temple, Marriage c.1645? after death of Captain John Cheswis;

    Short title: Sparrow v Chadwick. Plaintiffs: John Sparrow and Joseph Clarke.

    Defendants: James Chadwick. Place or subject: estate of Sir Daniel Leigh bart, County Tyrone and County Down, IrelandDocument type: bill and answer, Ref: NA, C7/323/18

  • 1670, 21 May, Lady Elizabeth Leigh also Bingley, Administration granted to Dorothea Bingley otherwise Meredith daur.*
  • 1670, 14 Oct, Lease from Wm. Smy(i)th, Alderman in Dublin, to Arthur Meredith, Dublin, for one life. Consideration of £290, there is an "Annuitie of two hundred and twenty pounds on the debt of two thousand ____ hundred pounds from the Duke of Ormond ___ on the Estate of the Lady Elizabeth Leigh for term of her life or of or to any Arrears of Rent of the Lands of Rathkeerian? which she holds of the [See] of Clogher' (PRONI T2125/12/4)

  • 1671, 30 May, Release of 2000 acre. Consideration: £1410. Arthur and Dorothy Meredith, Dublin to Gilbert Eccles, Shannock, Co. Fermanagh. Manor of Fintona, Co. Tyrone. PRONI D526/1
  • 1671, 31 May, Gilbert Eccles, Shannock, Co. Fermanagh. Plt. Arthur & Dorothea Meredith, Deforcts. Copy Fine Manor of Fintona, Co. Tyrone. PRONI T962/1
  • 1675, 02 Aug,(86b) Monday the second day of August 1675. Alderman William Smith elected Mayor & Walter Harris and Walter Nottley Sheriffes for the ensueing year.’ (
  • 1684,Saturday the 8th November 1684. Alderman John Smith is chosen, elected and sworne one of the Justices of the Peace and Oyer & Terminer for the County of the Cittie of Dublin in the place of Alderman William Smith, deceased'.(
  • 1892 ARUNDELL, Arms: Gu, a lion ramp. or, armed and langued az. Other arms are also recorded of this family.
  1. WILLIAM ARUNDELL, of Chediock, - had
  2. Paul (his second son), of Main, co. Limerick, died 1636. He m. Ellice, dau. of George Thornton , Knt., of Munster, and had six sons and five daughters:
  • I. George, of whom presently.
  • II. William.
  • III. Joseph.
  • IV. Paul.
  • V. Edward.
  • VI. Humphry.
  • I. Frances, who m. James Lacy.
  • II. Katherine.
  • III. Mary.
  • IV. Grace.
  • V. Ellice.

3. George Arundell: son of Paul; m. Mary, dau. of Daniel Leigh, Knt.

(John O’Hart, Irish Pedigrees; Or the origin and stem of the Irish Nation, 1892 Vol 2, 5th Edition).


*Betham's Genealogical Abstracts. Prerog. Admons. (Int.) K. 1798-9. L. 1630-1729.


'The Eccles family settled in Fintona during the reign of Charles II., and are amongst the oldest and most influential of the county families. They derived their surname from the Barony of Eccles in Dumfriesshire which they held in Scotland. Eighth in descent from John de Eccles, a person of rank, in the reign of Alexander the 3rd, was John Eccles of Kildonan in Ayrshire who lived in the early part of the 17th century and had two sons John and Gilbert the eldest was a distinguished royalist, Gilbert settled in Ireland in the reign of Charles I., and purchased several manors in Tyrone and Fermanagh held under Letters Patent of Charles I to John Leigh, dated 6th August 1632. He died on July 26, 1694, at the advanced age of 92 (Below, Memorial to Gilbert Eccles of Shannock, Co. Fermanagh, Castletown graveyard, Fintona). He was succeeded in the Tyrone property by his eldest son Charles Eccles, who was the High-sheriff of Tyrone in 1694, in 1703 Charles Eccles, built his house, he named it Ecclesville, Charles was succeeded by his son Daniel.'


(Extract From the obituary of CHARLES ECCLES, ESQ., J.P., D.L., 1869)

The above memorial reads;


'This cenotaph Charles / Eccles of Fintonagh in Co /  Tyrone, Gentleman /, had made in memory / of his father, Gilbert Eccles of Shanock in Co. /  Fermanagh, Gentleman, who / honourably lived and dutifully died / on the 6th of the Kalends of August, in the year of the Lord 1694, in the 92nd year of his age. / Remember Death'


Gallachair, P. (1970). The Parish of Donaghcavey. Clogher Record, 7(2), 251-320. doi:10.2307/27695649

Ecclesville House, 1914.

Above picture is from a scrap book of Raymond Browne-Lecky's deposited at PRONI, D1385/4.

JOHN ECCLES of Kildonan, Co Ayr, living 1618; m Janet Cathcart, daughter of John Cathcart of Carleton and Helen Wallace, and had two sons, John and Gilbert. The elder, John Eccles, of Kildonan, a devoted Royalist, continued the senior line of the family at Kildonan, while the younger,

GILBERT ECCLES, of Shannock, Co Fermanagh, High Sheriff 1665, and for Co Tyrone 1673; b 1602, settled in Ireland during the rein of CHARLES II, and acquired large estates in Co's Tyrone and Fermanagh; m Ann Cockburn, He d 26 July 1694, leaving issue,  

  1. Daniel, of Shannock, High Sheriff 1675; m (articles dated March,1670) Sarah, daughter of William Moore, of Tullavin, Co Cavan, and dvp March, 1688, having had issue, three sons and five daughters.
  2. CHARLES, of whom presently.
  3. Joseph, of Rathmoran, High Sheriff, 1712.

The 2nd s,

CHARLES ECCLES, of Fintona, Co Tyrone, to whom his brother, Joseph Eccles, of Rathmoran, Co Fermanagh, by his will, dated 3 Aug 1709, and proved 17 Sept 1723, devised the Fermanagh estates. He was High Sheriff Co Tyrone 1694 and JP for the same in the reigns of Queen ANNE and GEORGE I. He d intestate and admin. was granted 7 Nov 1726, to his son

The original home of the Leigh's is long gone, it may have been built on the same site of the new house built by Charles Eccles in c.1703, the datestone and Eccles Coat of Arms, which can be seen above the entrance door (above), were saved when the house was demolished (1978) and were later incorporated in the Ecclesville equestrian centre, which was built in part of the Ecclesville demesne.

 DANIEL ECCLES, of Fintona; b. 1692, High Sheriff, Co Tyrone 1720; m. 1718, Mary, daughter of Robert Lowry, of Ahenis and Anna Sinclair (Sinclair of Holyhill), and d. 1750, leaving issue,  

  1. CHARLES, his heir.
  2. Robert, who had the Fermanagh estate; m Miss Boggs; d. 23rd April, 1753, having had issue, two sons & 6 daughters.
  3. James Lowry; m. Miss Parry, and had issue, two sons and two daughters.
  4. Mervyn; dsp
  5. Anne.
  6. Frances; m.1740, John Dickson, of Ballyshannon, Co Donegal.
  7. Margaret; m. 17th Feb 1743, Robert or John Smyth, Esq., Cornet of HM 14th Reg of Dragoons, (Smyth of Drumcree/Gaybrook family) had issue.
  8. Mary; m. Delamere, dsp
  9. Elizabeth; m. 1st Dr. Draydon; m. 2ndly 11th May 1750, Capt. Ley, and dsp
  10. Isabella; m. Rev. Francis Lucas, Rector of Drumgoon, had issue. 

Mr. Eccles, whose will, dated 10th Nov 1747, was proved 2nd July 1750, was succeeded by his eldest son,

CHARLES ECCLES, of Ecclesville, Fintona, High Sheriff Co Tyrone 1709; m. Rebecca Anne Stewart, of Bailieborough Castle, and by her (who d. 26th April 1790) had issue,

  1. DANIEL, of whom presently.
  2. John; dsp
  3. Charles (Rev), drowned at Bath.

Mr. Eccles d. 30th Dec 1763, and was succeeded by his eldest son,

DANIEL ECCLES, of Ecclesville, Co Tyrone, High Sheriff 1772; b. 1746; m. 28th Feb 1773, his cousin, Anne, dau of John Dickson, of Ballyshannon (as above), and by her (who d. 11th March, 1819) had issue,

  1. Charles, High Sheriff for Co Tyrone 1802; b. 1777; dsp 15th Dec 1807.
  2. JOHN DICKSON, of whom presently.
  3. Gilbert William; b. 4th Sept 1784; dsp
  4. Daniel; b. 15th March 1787; d. 1869.
  5. Thomas; b. 29th June, 1791; dsp
  6. James Eccles.
  7. Frances; b. 7 Dec 1775; m. her cousin, Charles Lucas.
  8. Anna Rebecca; b. 13th June 1779; d. unm
  9. Mary; b. 11th May 1781; m. 3rd March 1810, her cousin, Rev. James Lowry Dickson (see below, news reports from The Times 14th-15th  June 1843)
  10. Elizabeth Letitia Sarah; b. 14th July 1786; m. 1813, William Newcombe; d. 27th Sept 1833.
  11. Hester; b. 28th April, 1789; m. 1817, William Dickson, and had issue.

The Times
London, Middlesex, England

June 14, 1843

TRAGICAL OCCURRENCE:- We regret to have to announce the death of the Rev. James Lowry DICKSON, rector of Lavey, county of Cavan, under the following melancholy circumstances:- It appears that on Wednesday last Mr. DICKSON, having returned home from Cavan, felt somewhat fatigued, and after dinner retired to bed. Mrs. DICKSON being out visiting at the time, there was no person in the house but the servant maid and a person named ECCLES, a relative of Mrs. DICKSON, who unfortunately is subject at intervals to fits of mental derangement. This person having entered the dining-room after Mr. DICKSON had retired, and having partaken copiously of a decanter of spirits, which he found on the sideboard, commenced smashing the glasses, &q., when the servant maid, although well aware of the danger she incurred by interfering, came to the door and forbade him to act in such a manner, whereupon he pursued her upstairs, whither she fled to one of the bed-rooms   for refuge. On reaching the lobby, the maniac darted into Mr. DICKSON'S room, who was then in a profound sleep - alas! a "sleep that was to know no waking" - and having seized a razor which lay upon the dressing-table, with one stroke of (ineligible) weapon completely cut the trachea, by which respiration was instantaneously suspended, and the vital spark extinguished. An inquest was held on the body on Thursday, where a verdict in accordance with the foregoing circumstances was returned.


The Times
London, Middlesex, England

June 15, 1843


ATROCIOUS FABRICATION:- The following appeared in the Mail of

last night:- “In the Mail of Monday we gave a circumstantial account of

the murder of the Rev. James Lowry Dickson, rector of Lavy [sic], in the

county of Cavan, alleged to have taken place by the hand of a maniac,

while in a state of furious excitement, produced by intoxication. That

statement and the finding of the inquest we gave on the reputed authority of

 a person who represented himself in his letter as the coroner of the county,

and we inserted it without entertaining a doubt of its correctness: for we

could not have imagined depravity or harshness to exist to invent so

atrocious a story. The whole statement is a villainous fabrication: and

fortunately, having preserved the original manuscript, which we have

 given to a near connexion of Mr. Dickson. by whom it will be forwarded

to the country by the night’s post, we are not without hope that the miscreant

 will yet be detected. With the view of increasing the chances of such

 a discovery, we hereby offer a reward of 20/. to any person who will

afford evidence substantially establishing

 the guilt of the writer.”

Mr. Eccles d. 31 July, 1808, and was succeeded by his eldest surv son,

JOHN DICKSON ECCLES, of Ecclesville, JP; b 22 Sept 1783; m 30 oct. 1810, his cousin, Jemima, 3rd dau of Thomas Dickson, of Woodville, Co Leitrim, and by her (who d 19 April, 1879) had issue,

  1. Daniel; dsp
  2. CHARLES, of whom presently.
  3. Thomas Dickson; b. 3rd Aug 1818; dsp Dec 1848.
  4. John; b. 20th Aug 1821; dsp 1845.
  5. James William; b. 14th April 1824; dsp Feb 1853.
  6. Robert Gilbert (Rev); b. 10th June 1826, Rector of Kilbrogan; m. Nannie, daughter of Col Dickson, and had issue.
  7. Hester Catharine; b. 26th March 1814; d. unm 7th Dec 1868.
  8. Anna Jemima; b. 21st March 1817; d. unm 17th Sept 1835.
  9. Eliza Frances Wilhelmina; b. 12 July 1829; m. Rev Benjamin Newcombe, and d. Jan 1865.

Mr. Eccles d. 12th Oct 1830, and was succeeded by his eldest son,


When we visited Ecclesville in 1830, it was then the seat of the late lamented John Dickson Eccles, Esq. proprietor of the Fintona estate, and a country gentleman of sterling worth, though of plain and unassuming manners.

The demesne embraces about 250 acres of this property, lightly and ornamentally planted; but from its comparatively low position, it commands no prospect of the surrounding country; a fact in its topographic history, which need not be much lamented, since that country exhibits but little of the picturesque, and all that is necessary to a decent domestic landscape, may be found within the confines of Ecclesville demesne.

The house, which stands at a short distance from the public road, at the bottom of a valley formed by gently sloping hills, is a plain but noble edifice (the expressive type of the founder's honest mind, where the rich streams of benevolence, flowing through a retired valley to that invisible ocean, where they are now centred for ever, felt too deeply their own intrinsic worth, to court that sweet- smelling cowslip of popular applause, ‘which to-day is, and to-morrow is cast into the oven,’) and to this has been added all those plain and useful appendages of a family residence, which are necessary to decent rank and to substantial comfort.

Fintona, a market and post town on this estate (which has several shops, and does some business in the corn trade) may be regarded as the capital of the property. It stands on a public road a little elevated above the valley of Ecclesville, of which it commands an imperfect view; and although the appearance of this town is not remarkably attractive, we understand a good deal of business is done there; to which the policy of granting to improving tenants, leases in perpetuity, of houses and plots for building, must largely contribute; while a similar indulgence to persons of neither property nor talent, would mar the improvement of the town, and inflict a needless wound upon the interests of the landlord. To this admirable plan of giving the tenant a perpetual interest in his town holding, we would recommend (in every possible case) the addition of a few acres of land for the accommodation of his town establishment. This land, being held at a moderate rent on a lease of lives or years, would have a favourable influence on the interests of the whole estate, as the value of farms approximating with it would advance in an exact ratio with the wealth and population of the neighbouring town; and we hope this also is the policy of the Eccles family.

The valley of Ecclesville is separated from the town of Fintona by a water called the Casheron river, which passes through the Fintona estate. On this a corn mill has been erected for the accommodation of the tenantry, and a site for another mill with a fall of from seven to ten feet is said to exist upon the same river, and of course presents to some enterprising man of business, an inducement to form a bleaching or manufacturing establishment at that place. If the successors of the late Mr. Eccles follow his example, we have no doubt they will be found ready to give all due encouragement to this and every other instrument of employment to the poor that may be found to exist in their immediate neighbourhood; for from all that we could learn of the character of that lamented gentleman, as a landlord, a magistrate, and a man, his sudden removal by death, while we were travelling in his native county, was felt to be a public loss; and as such was very justly and generally deplored, by the poor and by the public.


'Ireland in the Nineteenth Century, and Seventh of England's Dominion: Enriched with Copious Descriptions of the Resources of the Soil, and Seats and Scenery of the North West District'

By A. Atkinson. Esq.

CHARLES ECCLES, of Ecclesville, JP and DL, High Sheriff 1835; b. 9 April, 1813; m. 9 April, 1840, Isabella, daughter of Edward Blake, JP and DL of Castle Grove, Co Galway, and by her, (who d. 30 Dec 1859) had issue,


 (From a Correspondent.)

Londonderry Sentinel - Saturday 31 May 1834

On Wednesday, the 14th inst., a number of the tenantry of the Ecclesville estate entertained their esteemed landlord, Charles Eccles, Esq., at Sherard’s Hotel. At six o’clock about sat down to a plentiful dinner, served up in a style highly creditable to Mrs. Sherard—the wines were excellent, and the "mountain dew” could not excelled. The chair was taken Charles Robert Lucas, Esq., supported by James Hamilton, Esq., who acted croupier. the cloth being removed the following toasts were given:—

“The King, God bless him, may still be found to reign in the hearts of his people.”—(Drank with the usual honour.)

The chairman now desired the company fill their glasses. He said, as they had met for a particular purpose, he would not occupy their time by going through the list of toasts generally drank at public dinners, nor would be detain them by pronouncing a panegyric the gentleman whose health he was about to propose; was well known to them all, and would, therefore, without further comment, give “Charles Eccles, Esq., may he follow the example of his late father.”— (Loud and long continued cheering.)

Mr. Eccles returned thanks in an animated speech, of which the following is a faint outline.—He said that the marks they had given of the warmth of their friendship, not only on this but on former occasion, had made an indelible impression on his heart, and imparted home a charm which no other place could possess. When I look, said he, around me, and see myself surrounded by such a numerous and respectable body of friends and neighbours, and including many of own tenantry, I feel a glow of lofty and laudable ambition animate my bosom, for who, let me ask, would not be proud of having such a spirited and truly independent tenantry. However, when I reflect that these flattering tokens of your esteem have not been earned by me, but by one of whom it would not be my place to speak here, a feeling of gratitude awakens in my breast emotions I cannot find words to express. (Applause.) l am now come to reside among you and, being young and inexperienced in the world, what a gratifying prospect it is for me to find that I have the open and honest-hearted friends of my lamented father to assist me by their kind advice. (Applause.) The old maxim, "live and let live,” has long been the motto of the family to which I have the honour to belong, and on this principle I shall also endeavour to act. The town of Fintona has improved rapidly within the last few years—to encourage this spirit, and promote the welfare of my tenantry at large, is a duty which I trust you will find me using every possible effort to perform, so that the bond of union which has hitherto existed between landlord and tenant on the lands I possess may pass out of my hands in the same unbroken, mutual, and indissoluble chain. Mr. Eccles sat down amid loud and reiterated cheers.


  1. JOHN STUART, of whom presently.
  2. Charles Edward, Capt Donegal Militia Artillery; b. 20th Oct 1850; m. 11th Dec 1883, Mathilda Theodosia, daughter of Thomas Richardson Browne, of Aughentaine Castle & Sarah de Montmorency He d. 1897.
  3. Robert Gilbert; b. 25th Oct 1854; d. young.
  4. Annie Henrietta; b. 25th Jan 1849; m. Connolly William Browne Lecky, 3rd son of Thomas Richardson Browne, of Aughentaine Castle & Sarah de Montmorency, DL. Had issue, 

         1. Raymond Saville Connolly De Montmorency Lecky Browne-Lecky; b. 17th May 1881, dsp 11th Nov 1961.

         2. Isabella Caroline Annie Browne-Lecky; b. 21st Sep 1879; m. 22nd Oct 1910, Charles Ernest William Bland, son of Horatio Bland, of Stretton House, Alfreton, Derbyshire. (who d. 23rd April 1915), and had issue

    1. Patricia Ernest de Montmorency; b. 24th April 1915; m. Thomas Oliver Neville Clarke, and had issue,

                     1. Susan P Neville Clarkeb. 10th Jan 1941.

  5. Gertrude Marian; b. 9th June 1852; d. in infancy.
  6. Constance Isabella; b. 8th Oct 1856; m. Capt. James Vesey Lendrum, Seaforth Highlanders, and had issue one son.

Mr. Eccles d. 4th Nov 1869, was succeeded by his eldest son,

DEATH OF CHARLES ECCLES, ESQ., D.L. (4th November 1869)

It has never been our lot to discharge a more painful duty than to record the death of Charles Eccles, Esq., J. P., D.L., which took place at Ecclesville, on Thursday, the 4th inst., after a lengthened and distressing illness. The announcement some months ago, that he had become prostrated by disease, and that the medical gentlemen attending him entertained no hope of his recovery, was received throughout this county with the deepest regret, and although his was not a case in which the public could be said to have found any grounds for hoping against hope, the report of his death seemed in the end to carry with it the bitterness of a loss to which they bad not yet been reconciled, while it produced in many breasts a sensation to which only the death of some actually beloved one can give rise. We shall not say that Mr. Eccles was esteemed in this neighbourhood—he was more; the word which we have already used is a preferable one—he was beloved, beloved by his family, his friends, his tenantry, by every one who had an opportunity of knowing his worth. 


There were three marriages arranged between the children of Charles Eccles and Isabella Blake of Ecclesville, and the children of Thomas Richardson Browne and Sarah de Montmorency of Aughentaine castle, Co. Tyrone

  1. JOHN STUART ECCLES, of Ecclesville, m. Frances Caroline dau of Thomas Richardson Browne, of Aughentaine Castle & Sarah de Montmorency. had issue.
  2. Charles Edward, m. Mathilda Theodosia, daughter of Thomas Richardson Browne, of Aughentaine Castle & Sarah de Montmorency dsp.
  3. Annie Henrietta; b. 25th Jan 1849; m. Connolly William, son of Thomas Richardson Browne, of Aughentaine Castle & Sarah de Montmorency had issue.


JOHN STUART ECCLES, of Ecclesville, DL; b. 6th Oct 1847; m. 23rd May 1871, Frances Caroline, dau of Thomas Richardson Browne, of Aughentaine Castle & Sarah de Montmorency, JP, DL, and d. 24th April 1886, having by her (who d. 12th Feb 1887) had issue,

  1. Charles Raymond; b. 22nd Aug, and d. 4th Sept 1872.
  2. AMY HENRIETTA; of whom presently. (she d.s.p.m* 4th April 1942).                              
  3. Rose Isabel de Montmorency; b. 5th Jan 1876; m. 19th Dec 1906, Carfrae Hamilton Delmege, Capt 21st Lancers and (who d. 8th May 1929) had issue,

    1. Anthony Charles Stuart Delmege, of whom presently.

    2. James Christopher, b. 1912.

    3. Sheelagh Edith, b. 10th Feb 1914; m. 07th Aug 1934, John William Wilder (he d. 21st Nov 1934), She m. 2nd; Richard James Kay Fenton, Esq., of Dutton Manor and Clegg Hall, Lancs. she d. 28th April 2005, (who d. 10th Jun 1983) had issue,         

  4. Anna Theodosia Hester; b. 8th Feb 1878; m. Jan 1900, Capt Leigh Sadleir Stoney, JP, 4th Roy Irish Fusiliers, of Forrest, Mountmellick, Queen's Company, she d. 8th July 1960 (he d. 20th June 1930) had issue,

    1. Rose Kathleen Rachel, b. 10th October 1900, m. William Frank Sugden, of Manchester, she d. 17th Sep 1973, (He d. 4th Dec 1973) had issue,

              1. Theodore William Stuart. dsp

              2. Francis. dsp

Mr. Eccles d. 24th April 1886, was succeeded by his eldest daughter,


Charles Eccles leased the lands of Castletown from The Ecclesiastical Commissioners for Ireland from 1st November 1868 for 21 years at the yearly rent of £6:9:3. Charles Eccles died in 1869 and in 1870, his son, John Stuart Eccles reached an agreement to buy them in fee simple for £439:7:9 with an annual of £41:10:9, this was followed with the purchase of Dundivin Glebe in 1876.

Joseph Taylor's Sales.




I HAVE been directed Mrs Eccles, of Ecclesville, Fintona,

who is leaving Ireland for the Winter, to Sell by Public

Auction, at the hour of Eleven o'clock, am, on Tuesday,

10th October, 1886, in the



  1. 'Marigold,’ thorough-bred brood mare, 10 yearsold, got by Forester, with foal at foot by Forlorn Hope, served this season Strathardle.
  1. 'Colleen,’ brown filly. 3 years old, from Marigold,by Forlorn Hope.
  1. 'Jack.’ brown colt, two years old, from Marigold, by Forlorn Hope. 
  1. 'Good Luck,’ chestnut carriage mare, single or double harness. 16 hands, 5 years old.
  1. 'Ruby.’ chestnut carriage mare, single or double harness,16 hands, 4 years old.
  1. ’Kathleen,’ very handsome brown carriage mare, all harness, 15-2 hands, 6 years old.
  1. 'Gipsy.’ bay mare, all harness, 14 hands, 9 years old.
  2. 'Sea Queen,’ bay mare, all harness, 10 years old.
  3. 'Mermaid.' bay mare, double or single harness, 14 hands, 5 years old.
  1. 'Eily,’ bay mare (splendid saddle mare.) 14 hands. 4 years old.
  1. 'Rosina.' bay mare, good for saddle harness, 15 hands, 6 years old.
  1. 'Nannie,' bay mare, works in all harness, 15-2 hands, 4 years old.
  1. 'Midget.’ grey mare, saddle or harness, 15 hands, 10 years old.
  2. 'Butterfly,' bay filly, untrained, 2years old.
  3. 'Bob.’ chestnut cob, saddle and harness, 14 hands,  4 years old. 16. Bay colt, untrained, 15 hands 2 years old.
  1. Brown cob, trained to all work. 15 hands 4 years old.
  2. Bay cob, saddle and harness, 15 hands, 4 years old.

 CATTLE—17 Bullocks. 2 years old, in fine condition, suitable for store or beef; 1 well bred bull, 3 years old;

3 strong heifers, in good order; and 2 excellent Dairy


Terms—4 Months at Credit on approved Bills, or discount

for cash. Purchasers to pay 5 percent. Auction Fees at sale.


Auctioneers Fintona

Ecclesville, Sept, 27th, 1886.


After a lapse of nearly seventeen years it again becomes our painful duty to write another obituary of a Master of Ecclesville. JohnStuart Eccles Esq. D.L. after a short but painful illness died at his late residence. Ecclesville House, on Saturday morning last, at the early age of thirty eight years past. About five weeks ago, deceased, who had been in delicate health for some time previous, was prost rated by an attack of acute inflammation of the liver, complicated with jaundice, and was, in the early stage of the disease, attended by Dr Thomas Duncan of Fintona, the family physician. The case developed grave symptoms shortly after, and Dr E C Thompson, of Omagh, and Dr Corley of Dublin, were summoned Ecclesville to meet the family physician in consultation; but, notwithstanding all that the highest medical skill could accomplish, the disease ended fatally on saturday morning last. Although from the first the most serious results were apprehended by his family and friends, yet it was not expected that death was so near, and to those outside who only knew vaguely his indisposition, the announcement came as painful surprise; especially to his tenantry and dependents. For generations the family has been respected, esteemed, and beloved those who were fortunate enough occupy the Ecclesville property where rights were respected, independence encouraged, the rental moderate, and the tenantry treated justly, courteously, and friendly. Deceased's father was almost idolized by every person on estate, and when death summoned, him away, the loss was felt acutely, and his people sorrowed for him for one of their own kindred. No less respected and beloved was his too, the deceased, although not come into such close relations with his people, but they knew him for a courteous gentleman, possessing a kindly heart, and earnest desire for their prosperity and happiness, who had always for them a warm shake of the hand and kindly smile wherever he met them. Deceased attained his majority the 9th October 1868 and was presented on the eventful occasion with an address and presentation of plate from the people of the Ecclesville property. His father died the 4th November, the year following, and he thus succeeded to the cares and management of the estate at an early age. He married on the 23rd May 1871, Francis Caroline, second daughter the late Thomas R Browne, Esq, D.L. Aughentaine Castle, whom, with her three young daughters, leaves behind to mourn his loss. Saturday one oclock was the day and hour fixed for the interment, which took place the family burying ground. where sleep generations the family. At the hour named a large number of the people of the town and neighbourhood, the tenantry on the estate, and a large number of gentlemen from Omagh, had assembled to pay the last tribute respect to deceased. Shortly after one clock, the coffin, covered with wreaths of immortelles was borne from Ecclesville Hall on the shoulders of the following gentlemen C W Lecky-Browne Lecky, Esq; Charles Eccles, I Esq, Dublin; (cousin deceased.) Major Hervey Knox Browne, D.L; Conolly M Gage, Esq.; Dr E C Thompson, Omagh; Cecil H Browne. Esq. J.P ; and Dr Duncan. Those gentlemen were also the last to carry it from the graveyard gate to the grave.

Grave of John Stuart Eccles and his wife Frances Caroline Browne at Castletown graveyard, Fintona.

John Stuart Eccles and Frances Caroline Browne married in 1871, they had 1 son and 3 daughters: Charles Raymond born in 1872 (died a short time later), Amy Henrietta Frances, Rose Isabella [Isabel] and Annie [Anna] Theodosia Hester. John Stuart Eccles died on 24th April 1886, his will, dated the 1st of October 1873, entailed the Ecclesville Estate in tail male, he appointed his wife Frances as sole Executrix, a codicil dated the 2nd of April 1886, appointed 2 additional Executors and Guardians for his children; Dr. Edward Charles Thompson of Omagh (his maternal cousin), and Dr. Thomas Duncan of Fintona.

Frances Eccles died on the 12th of Feb 1887, her will dated the 8th of February 1887 appointed her brother Conolly William Lecky Browne-Lecky (married to Annie Henrietta Eccles, sister of John Stuart Eccles) to be trustee and guardian in addition to the Dr's Thompson & Duncan.


Annie & Conolly Browne-Lecky, they 2 children:

The Browne-Lecky’s brought the 3 orphaned Eccles girls up as if they were their own children living in the family home at Ecclesville and at Fintimara, Warrenpoint, Co. Down. 


Amy Eccles married John Knox McClintock, on the 27th of April 1893 at St Stephen's Church in Dublin. His family estate of Seskinore bordered the Ecclesville land, he would have be considered a good match, they shared an ancestry and in time an heir would hopefully follow, securing the future interests of both families. The Eccles land holding amounted to 9227 acres whilst the McClintock estate was 4553 acres. On the 21st of July 1898, Amy gave birth to her first and only child, Amelia Isobel Eccles McClintock, she was to be known as Leila.


Amelia (Leila) Isobel Eccles McClintock.

The McClintock and Eccles families had always lived on their estates and had an excellent relationship with their tenants, they were committed to improving the land and put back in to the estate and the local communities, unlike many of their peers who spent very little time on their estates and did not contribute much to the local area.

In a letter dated the 13th of January 1903, John K McClintock, asked for legal clarification on the entail:- 

13th January 1903.


Co. Tyrone.

Ecclesville Estate.


Dear Sir,

In reply to your letter of 10th inst.

The Ecclesville Estate goes as follows:-

If Mrs McClintock dies without a son the

Estate goes to Miss Eccles (Rose) if alive, for her

Life, if she dies without a son it will then go to

Mrs Stoney (Dosie) if alive for life. If she dies

without a son it will go to the eldest son

(if any) of the late Charles Edward Eccles.

If he has died without a son it will go to

Robert Gilbert Eccles (Grand uncle) if alive for his life,

And after his death to his eldest son.

Failing all this it will go in thirds to the

Daughters of Mrs McClintock, Miss Eccles and

Mrs Stoney. If Miss Eccles should die without

children, then one half to the daughters of

Mrs McClintock and one half to the daughters

Of Mrs Stoney. Under settlement of the

Ecclesville Estate executed upon your marriage

in case Mrs McClintock dies without a son

your daughter will only receive £3,000 out of the

entire estate.

Seskinore Estate.

Upon your death the estate goes to your

Daughter provided there is no son.

Yours faithfully,

King Houston

Major J.K McClintock


Drawing room, Ecclesville House.

AMY HENRIETTA ECCLES; b. the 22nd of April, 1874; m. 1893, JOHN KNOX McCLINTOCK, of Seskinore, Co Tyrone, and by him she d.s.p.m* 4th April 1942, (he d. the 24th of Oct 1936) had issue, 

  1. Amelia (Leila) Isobel Eccles McClintock, of Seskinore, Co Tyrone; b. the 21st of July 1898 m.1st (divorced), Cecil Rhodes Field. She m. 2ndly the 30th of Aug 1932, Captain. Wilfred Heyman Joynson Wreford, son of Dr. Heyman Wreford M.R.C.S., Esq. and Catherine Hannah Guerrier, of The Firs, Exeter, b. the 30th of July 1896. She d. the 30th of January, 1937, He d. the 23rd of March 1940, and had issue,

                   1. Penelope (Xenia) Joynson-Wreford, of Seskinore; b. the 3rd of August 1935.


*d.s.p.m. - [Latin] descessit sine prole mascula; died without male issue.


Jemima Eccles, nee Dickson d. 19th April 1879, (3rd dau of Thomas Dickson, of Woodville, Co. Leitrim) presented the above cup to Amy Eccles her G Grandaughter, it is inscribed:

To Amy Henrietta Eccles

From her G G mother

On the Anniversary of her birthday, 22nd April 1875.

Drawing room, Ecclesville House.

Tyrone Constitution, 16th Dec 1892.

It was during Amy's tenure as Landlady and beneficial owner for life of the Ecclesville Estate, that she was compelled to sell the estate lands, she retained the Ecclesville demesne and mansion house (amounting to 206 acres, 1 rood, and 20 perches) under the terms of the Land Commission regulations. Amy McClintock sold the Ecclesville demesne and part of the Eccles lands to her Browne-Lecky relatives, Raymond would be the last owner of the estate which had been in his family for nearly 300 years.

In 1913 the title for the Ecclesville Estate was submitted to the Land Commission (A comparison table of the acreages of the Balliboes/townlands can be seen in this link from 1840-1913), and described as follows at the time of the disposal to the tenantry :-


The Ecclesville Estate in the County of Tyrone comprising

All that and those the lands of Fintonagh otherwise Ra(th)keeran otherwise Castleleigh with the appurtenances and All that and those the Town and lands of, Fintonagh otherwise Rathkeeran otherwise Castleleigh one Balliboe, Finan otherwise Courmere one Balliboe, Loggetigill otherwise Leggetigill one Balliboe, Benenamullen otherwise Mullen one Balliboe, Killelessie otherwise Killissie otherwise Killalissie one Balliboe, Tonagheitra one Balliboe, Straghduffegower one Balliboe, Garrewery otherwise Garwary one Balliboe, Ballinaskelgie otherwise Skelgagh one ballyboe, Donaghgoran otherwise Dungoran one Balliboe, Edentoodery otherwise Edentoudery one Balliboe, Lackaboy one Balliboe, Tonegrenane otherwise Tyrenane one Balliboe, Toneghenan otherwise Tonagh one Balliboe, Syonhugh otherwise Syoney one Balliboe, Tullyrush one Balliboe, Carcorbally one Balliboe, Drumheruck otherwise Drumhurke one Balliboe, Straguraskie otherwise Straniske one balliboe, Mullasilloge one Balliboe, Kilberry one Balliboe, Drumlaghan one Balliboe, Shreaggagourie one Balliboe, Derryaghnan otherwise Draghton one Balliboe Mullinadrummon otherwise Ballynadrummon otherwise Mornblanedrummon otherwise Clonedrummon otherwise Uriblanedrummon one Balliboe, Arditony one Balliboe, Aghibrassil one Balliboe, Townaghoane one Balliboe, Rowarran one Balliboe, Edinesope one Balliboe, Lisgardeffe otherwise Lisnagardy one Balliboe, Taticriby otherwise Tatecrivey otherwise Lisnacrivey one Balliboe, Gardrum one Balliboe, Tatterfadda otherwise Tattafadda otherwise Tatafadi otherwise Aghafad one Balliboe, the town and lands of Strabane, Lorganbay, Coragh and Liscomie being subdenominations of Correseston otherwise Corriskshe one Balliboe, Corglass one Balliboe, and Tatemoyle one Balliboe the town and lands of Anaghrunane, Annaghmurragh, Anaghbow, Carnarouske, Goldaldrew, Laccam Lisnabubary, Lissdergan, Lissavaddy, Legaimaghry, Liskey, Mullans otherwise Roghan, Sionfin and Scrigagh with the appurtenances and which said several towns land tenements hereditaments and premises are known & commonly called by the several names.

Irish Land Commission - Record No. EC6974 - Estate of Mrs. Amy H McClintock, Co. Tyrone.

Abstract of Title

Amy & Jack McClintock resided at Ecclesville until about 1899, when they moved to Seskinore house, Col. H.G.S (Harry) Alexander, who was uncle to Jack, and also the agent of the Seskinore estate, moved into Ecclesville, and took on the management of the Ecclesville estate. The Alexander's later moved to Harry's family home, Carrickmore House, Termon. Amy's Uncle Conolly (mother's brother) and Aunt Annie (father's sister) Lecky Browne-Lecky of Fintimara, Rostrevor, moved into Ecclesville, c.1909 and purchased the Ecclesville demesne (under the terms of Land Commission).

The Browne-Lecky's for a number of years spent time between their 2 residences, in 1915, Conolly advertised Fintimara for let or sale, it was eventually sold c.1919.

They spent time in Dublin, Portrush, Rostrevor/Warrenpoint and also on the Continent, choosing to winter where the climate was kinder. Raymond was an actor and musician, and wherever they were staying, he would usually perform, when his mother had an 'at home'. A theatre was built in the west wing of Ecclesville house, where many productions were rehearsed and staged over the years, he would take his productions on tour all over Ireland, raising funds for local charities and good causes. Conolly Wiliam Lecky-Browne-Lecky, died on the 12th of January 1924 and Raymond inherited his property.

Above; Raymond Saville Conolly de Montmorency Lecky Browne-Lecky

of Ecclesville.

At some point c.1916, Colonel McClintock, who was past the age for active service, was in command of the 3rd Battalion of the Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers at Londonderry, it came to his attention that his wife was having an affair with a man from Omagh, the Colonel decided to surprise the lovers, he caught them in the throngs of passion, and according to the villagers who told me the story in 2005, he burst in to the bedroom and chased the naked man from the house with a horsewhip in his hand.

This story was verified by Rosalie McClintock née Orr, daughter of Mr. W. E. Orr, Clerk of the Crown and Peace, a close friend of Colonel McClintock, however Rosalie recalled that the man in question was George Fleming, son of Dr. Fleming of Campsie house in Omagh, and the Colonel had threatened to shoot him on the spot, and she said he would have been right do so.

The Colonel apparently banished Amy, she was dropped from all McClintock family social events, and she was forced to move from Ireland, she settled in England, near her sister in Gloucestershire. It is said that she never did set foot in Ireland while her estranged husband was alive.

This ties in well, as a record at the National archives places Leila in Gloucestershire in 1917, on the 27th of November 1917, Leila enrolled at RFC (Royal Flying Corps) Rendcomb, Gloucestershire. 

Amy's sister Dosie lived in Gloucestershire at this time, and it is here that Amy and Leila moved to, after the breakdown of the marriage. She later moved to Molstyn, Orestan Lane, Effingham, Surrey, her neice, Rose (daughter of Dosie) and her husband William Frank Sugden lived close by. It was here that she died on the 4th of April 1942, she was buried in a simple grave in St. Lawrence Churchyard, Effingham, 3 days later, Dosie died on the 8th of July 1960, and was buried in the same grave.


Several well-known County Tyrone families have

been bereaved by the death, which has occurred

suddenly at Effingham, Surrey, of Mrs. Amy H.

McClintock, widow of the late Colonel J. K.

McClintock, C.B.E. D.L., Seskinore, County Tyrone,

and eldest daughter of the late

Mr. John Stuart Eccles, D.L., of Ecclesville, Fintona.

Londonderry Sentinel - Thursday 16 April 1942








Under the terms of John Stuart Eccles' will, what remained of the Ecclesville estate was entailed in tail male to the first born of his daughters inseniority, this proved to be the Anthony Charles Stuart Delmege, son of Rose Eccles, married (1906), Major Carfrae Hamilton Delmege (1880-1945) of Rathkeale, County Limerick.

The following information (and photograph) about the Delmege family, can be found at The Cricklade Museum, which was established by the Cricklade Historical Society.

'The Delmege's purchased Cricklade Manor, Wilts (below), c.1920, which they extended about the same time, Rose died on the 8 May 1929.

The Delmeges were an Irish family who settled in Cricklade when it became impossible for the 

Major and his wife to retire to India. They had two sons, Jim and Tony, and a daughter, Sheilah.

The family are still remembered affectionately by local people, although they were more

reclusive than the Butt Millers, and their domestic help was greatly reduced. Three sisters of a

local family, the Vincents, were their governess, housekeeper and lady's maid. Mrs Delmege was the first president of the Cricklade Women's Institute when it was founded in 1922, and also that of the Ladies' Tennis Club. Eileen Edwards remembers that one of the sons contracted tuberculosis as a youth. When she and her friends played on Pauls Croft field, they were fascinated to see him lying in bed under a canvas shelter in the Manor House garden. This

treatment was popular at the time for such convalescents. Son Jim attended Cirencester

Agricultural College, where he was master of the beagle hound pack. As an adulty Sheilah

Delmege performed the opening ceremony of the present Town Hall in 1933, but the occasion

best remembered is her wedding to a Major John Wilder in the same decade. May New recalls

an awning and red carpet which stretched all the way from St. Sampson's church to Bath Road,

and Dot Kilminster the delphiniums gathered from local gardens to decorate the church.

Tragically the honeymoon was cut short, when the groom died from an infection caused by the

prick of a thorn.'

Sheelagh Edith delmege.

Cricklade manor, extension work being carried out for Major. Delmege. c.1920.

Anthony Charles Stuart Delmege (above) was born on 1st December 1910, son of Major. Carfrae Hamilton Delmege and Rose Isabel de Montmorency Eccles.

He died on the 22nd of July 1961, aged 50, unmarried, having gained the rank of Colonel. in the 1st King's Dragoon Guards (Special Reserves), and was Aide-de-Camp to the Governor of Madras. Colonel Delmege visited Ecclesville in 1951, which was reported in The Londonderry Sentinel on the 1st of September 1951.

The Ecclesville Estate became vested in Anthony Charles Stuart Delmege. (below)

Registered in the registry of deeds Belfast

On 22 Feb 1944 book 3 No. 228


To the Registrar of Deeds in Northern Ireland.

A Memorial of an Indenture dated the Seventh day of February one thousand one hundred and forty-four Made between Anthony Charles Stuart Delmege of the Manor House, Cricklade in the County of Wilts a Major in His Majesty’s Army of The one part and Robert McLraith Blakeney of 25 Clare Street in the City of Dublin Solicitor of the other part. Whereby after reciting (inter alia) that under by virtue of the Will dated the first day of October one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three and a Codicil thereto dated the second day of April one thousand eight hundred and eighty six of John Stuart Eccles late of Ecclesville in the County of Tyrone who died on the twenty-fourth day of April one thousand eight hundred and eighty-six and which Will and Codicil were duly proved by Frances Caroline Eccles, Thomas Duncan and Edward C. Thompson the Executors and Executrix therein named in the District Registry of Armagh of the Probate and Matrimonial Division of the High Court of Justice in Ireland, the lands tenements and hereditaments described in the First Part of the Schedule thereto and thereto were settled and assured to uses under which the said Anthony Charles Stuart Delmege is tenant in tail male in possession thereof It Was Witnessed that the said Anthony Charles Stuart Delmege granted unto the said Robert McLraith Blakeney and his heirs All That And Those the lands rent and hereditaments comprised in and settled by the said Will except such part of same as had been disposed of by way of sale and also all other the freehold hereditaments of or to which the said Anthony Charles Stuart Delmege was then seised or entitled as tenant in tail male or in tail whether at law or in equity by virtue of the said Will or otherwise now-soever To Hold the same unto the said Robert McLraith Blakeney and his heirs freed and discharged from the estate in tail male or in tail of the said Anthony Charles Stuart Delmege at law or in equity and from all remainders reversions estates rights interests and powers to take effect after the determination or in defeasance of such estates tail to the use nevertheless of the said Anthony Charles Stuart Delmege in fee simple.


Schedule referred to in the said Indenture


First Part

All that and those part of the lands of Annaboe, Aughafad, Aughadreenan, Arditiney, Castletown, Corbally, Cumber, Carnarousk, Drafton, Drumlaghan, Drummond, Dundiven, Dungoran, Edenatoodry, Ecclesville, Edenasop, Feenan, Gulladoo, Gargrim, Killaliss, Killaberry, Lacca, Lisnacreive, Lisnabulravey, Lisdergan, Lisavaddy, Legamaghery, Lisnagardy, Legatiggle, Liskey, Mullans, and Roughan, Mullasligo, Rathwarren, Ratherane, Sionfin, Stratigore, Screggagh, Skelgagh, Stranisk, Sionee, Tattymoyle, Tonnaghmore, Tonnaghbeg, Tonnaghbane, Tullyrush and Tyreenan, Fintona, Castletown, Edenasop, Fintona Mill, Tonagh Mill, Lacca Mill and Fintona Market All of which are situate in the parish of Donacavey, Baronies of Clogher and East Omagh and Co. of Tyrone. And known as the Ecclesville Estate.


Second Part


41/2% land Bonds


War Loan 31/1%


War Loan 31/2%


War Loan 31/2%


War Loan 31/2%


21/2 Cousels


London Midland & Scottish Railway Company 4%


Great Southern railway Company (J) 4% Guaranteed Preference Stock


War Loan 31/2%


Which said Deed and this memorial as to the execution thereof by the said Anthony Charles Stuart Delmege by Robert Wallace Hamilton under Power of Attorney is witnessed by G. Bradshaw, 25 Clare Street, Dublin, Spinster and Donald R Cullen, solicitor, 25 Clare Street, Dublin, and which said deed as to the execution thereof by the said Robert McLraith Blakeney is witnessed by Donald R. Cullen, Solicitor, 25 Clare, Street, Dublin.


Raymond Browne-Lecky died on the 11th of November 1961, Remembrance day, aged 80. His beloved home Ecclesville was according to his will to be:

“handed over to the Government of Northern Ireland or such other public body as the Government may desire my Mansion House and Lands known as Ecclesville upon the following conditions:-

(a) That my estate shall be indemnified or relieved from payment of any death duties on the said property and that the said property shall not be aggregated with the rest of my estate so as to increase the rate of duty on such estate.”

The treasure trove of antiques, paintings, silver, jewellery etc that had been collected by successive generations of the Eccles family over the past nearly 300 years, were to be sold at an auction held by John Ross & Co of Belfast, it was to be held in the house at Ecclesville. The sale attracted buyers from around the world and raised a record amount of money for the time of £23,500.

Gift Offer by Govt.


Gets Refused.


ECCLESVILLE, the 250 - year - old haunted mansion in Co. Tyrone willed to the Government by its late owner, may turn out to be a headache for the authorities. But the problem is not the lady-in-silk ghost who reputedly flits from room to room. The big question is: What will the Government do with the house?  This week the Ministry of Health and Local Government inquired if Tyrone Welfare Committee was interested in it for possible use as an old people's home. But the Committee decided it didn't want to be burdened with the upkeep of an old mansion and said "No, thank you." Said a Ministry of Finance spokesman: "We will have to see if anyone else is interested." When he died last November 80-year-old bachelor. Mr. Raymond de M. Browne-Lecky, directed in his will that his land and mansion house at Fintona should be handed over to the Government or whatever public body the Government should nominate. But even though the Ministry offered the mansion to Tyrone Welfare Committee it seems that the Government doesn't actually own the mansion yet. Said the solicitors handling the estate: Ecclesville was willed to the Government for whatever purpose it could And—on certain conditions the Government had to comply with. The Ministry has given us no official Intimation that it has accepted it yet. "Mr. Browne-Lecky had no family of his own and he possibly thought the Government might turn the place into an old people's home or something like that." But nowadays Tyrone Welfare Committee prefers to build new homes. "We are not anxious to take any more old buildings over and convert them," said Mr. A. P. Fields, County Welfare Officer. "We were compelled to do that sort of thing in the early days when building was difficult. We took over one or two old houses, but there are repairs and upkeep to be considered. Nowadays we start from scratch. Anyway we have an old people's home at Clogher, 10 miles away, and we have a new one opening in Omagh this autumn." And so, for the present, the phantom in silk has Ecclesville to herself.


Belfast Telegraph - Friday 23 February 1962

The Government could not find a use for the house and advertised it for let, eventually in 1978, it was decided that it was not required and the notice of application to demolish the house was published in The Belfast Gazette on the 1st Jan 1978.

Mansion House.



short Lease with approximately 3 1/2

Acres. Accommodation includes:

Spacious Living-room, Library. 8

Bedrooms. Usual Offices. Mains Water

and Electricity. Extensive Servants'

quarters include 4 Bedrooms. Ample

Store Rooms. Outhouses and Garage


Lessee be responsible Rates

and maintenance. (P. L. V. of house


For further particulars and arrange-

ments to view apply to:

The Secretary. Ministry of Agriculture.

27 Upper Queen Street BELFAST. 1.

With whom sealed Tenders should be

Lodged not later than 27th AUGUST.


The site of Ecclesville House.